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Author's note February 6th: Hello all. New chapters up and more hopefully on Saturday. Have a great week and let me know what you think :).

PDF/EPUB: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32241245

Chapter 426 Threshold

The only thing they found left behind by Cynthia was a scrap of a heavy plate chest armor. The dark green dye made Ilas sure it had been hers.

Ilea hadn’t voiced her doubts and instead tried to find a trace or anything else with the piece, unsuccessfully due to the passing of time and surrounding gore.

She felt the dark one had calmed down considerably, staring at the piece as if he had found an inner calm.

“Can you read it?” she asked, flipping through the pages of the ancient book they had found.

“I am not an expert,” he said and looked through the pages. He shook his head a little after a couple of minutes. “I only know some of the words… not enough to make sense of it.”




The Fae supplied a couple words as it floated close to the book, the pages moving on their own.



“Sounds like a thrilling story. I’ll ask Elfie to translate it at some point. Anything relevant to the corruption we faced or the beings who made this place?” Ilea said, watching the Fae move through page after page.

It shook its head after another couple minutes.



“He was part of the red church then?” she asked.

The Fae nodded in response.

“I’ll ask Elfie to translate it at some point,” Ilea said and stored it in her necklace.

“Do you want to keep looking?” Ilea asked.

“I have found what I came to find,” Ilas said. “Though… it seems wrong to leave all the corpses behind.”

“I can help you burn them up,” Ilea said.

“You have done enough. I will build a pyre, in this layer,” he said.

“For all this? That will take you days, there isn’t even any wood here.”

“Longer, likely. I choose to do this however. It seems… right, to me. I understand if you think it unnecessary and wasteful,” the dark one said.

Ilea shook her head and smiled. “Not at all, Ilas. Do what you need to do,” she said and looked up. “Will you require help to get back to the first layer?”

He shook his head. “I have grown much since I have last come here. I shall find back.”

“Ilea… I owe you everything I am, for this. For your help. You set me free,” he added.

She waved him off. “Just promise me to find your way back up and to find a new purpose in this world. Be it protecting the first layer… or gardening. Now that this is taken care of.”

The dark one went on one knee and bowed deeply. “I will. Thank you, Ilea. Sentinel of ash.”

It’s actually the other way around, she thought with a smirk. “Come on, I don’t want to fight the otherwise peaceful spirits. You can help me get out of here.”

He nodded. “Of course. I doubt you’ll need assistance with traversing the layers?”

“I’m fine, thanks,” Ilea said as they came out of the facility.

The previously crowded space was completely empty by now.

“Is my perception acting up?” Ilea asked.

“I sense none either,” Ilas said, apprehension in his voice.

Joy, the Fae sent and giggled. It landed on Ilea’s shoulder and hugged her face.

Ilas kept the shroud up when she saw a single Spirit fly closer.

Friend, the Fae sent.

“You can disable your spell,” she said to the dark one.

Ilas nodded, the saturation in the surroundings increasing as his shadow magic vanished.

The Spirit came a little closer before it bowed to them.

Ilea waved and watched it slowly disappear.

“What was that?” she asked with a chuckle.

“Perhaps they remained because of the Vampire,” Ilas said.

“Hmm,” Ilea nodded and patted the dark one’s shoulder. “Well, we’re done then. I’ll be traveling around the Descent a little longer so catch me between exits if you need anything.”

“I will. Though I shall remain self sufficient from now on,” Ilas said and bowed to her again.

Ilea focused on not rolling her eyes as she waved and departed with the Fae.

The near reverie from the dark one annoyed her a little. She preferred Maro’s or Elfie’s company, their snark keeping her humble and down to Earth.

“So… we have a bunch of stuff to do now. Lots of violence. I suggest you start with space magic on my eyes,” Ilea said, deactivating her resistance and armor.

The Fae giggled and started without complaint.


“Hmm, so… we’re at number seventeen. Let’s start with the Zanedin Hunters. Time Magic Resistance and maybe some Blood Magic… Blast and Curse is already at level twenty… alright?”

The Fae nodded enthusiastically.

“I’ll have to use my armor though, their attacks are a little much otherwise.”


“I know, I’m pretty fucking weak, right?” she sighed.

The Fae shook its head but didn’t comment on it, likely understanding the sarcasm.

The two moved up to the sixteenth layer and continued their training, Ilea quickly finding the small groups of Zanedin Hunters left behind, all of them corrupted.

She spent several hours leveling her Time Magic Resistance, sometimes even deactivating her armor of ash if only one of them remained.

The Fae had a hard time injuring her with her armor up but still dealt a little damage, helping with her Space Magic Resistance.

She finished off the last of the corrupted creatures before checking her progress.

‘ding’ ‘Blood Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 12’
‘ding’ ‘Blood Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 13’

‘ding’ ‘Space Magic Resistance reaches lvl 6’
‘ding’ ‘Space Magic Resistance reaches lvl 8’

‘ding’ ‘Time Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 11’
‘ding’ ‘Time Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 20’

“That’s nine general skills at level twenty of the second tier,” Ilea said as she looked through the messages, feeling her eyes explode.

A familiar sensation by now but it seemed the Fae wasn’t getting bored of it yet, dodging the tiny ashen swords wielded by the ash Fae.

“So, do you want to pop my eyes for another three days or should I get the tenth skill against the Storm Griffin on layer fifteen?” Ilea asked with a smirk.




“Alright there Theoden, I too choose the flying calamity,” she said and prepared.

They reached the exit to the fifteenth layer, Ilea glancing at the Fae. “You should wait here, that thing is dangerous, even for us. You should be able to see from here.”

It nodded and appeared near the ground, looking out through the mostly destroyed exit.

“Shouldn’t take more than half an hour with that ridiculous monster,” she said and looked up.

The upgrade to her eyes let her quickly make out the dot in the distance. She even saw the wings and legs.

It was moving towards her.

Here we go, she thought and appeared near the ground thirty meters away. Close enough to the exit so that she could simply blink back to the Fae. Her third tier wings should help with the constant barrage as well.

She was here to take damage but the Storm Griffin was one of the few creatures in this dungeon that could completely stomp in her brains. Not something to take too lightly.

Ilea was at least somewhat sure the creature wasn’t out on a furious murder spree, judging by their last encounter.

Holy shit that thing is fast… comparable to my charged wings evens, she thought and soon saw the Griffin’s eyes focused on her. Still hundreds of meters away.

A shiver went down her spine before her precognition kicked in, informing her about the coming attacks.

She didn’t do anything about them of course, her armor opening up to let the weaker wind blades slash into her skin directly. Her resistance deactivated.

It cut nearly to the bone.

Yeah, that won’t take long. That thing could’ve even helped against the Elemental, she thought and smiled.

The Griffin moved on to more powerful attacks rather quickly this time, either because it remembered her or because it could tell Ilea was looking at it.

It was also apparent that her flying skills had improved vastly, making her able to dodge even the faster attacks more reliably.

Ilea blinked away many times to heal back up and recover some mana, spending a couple hours with the Griffin until the last message finally popped into her mind.

‘ding’ ‘Ashen Wings reaches 3rd lvl 6’
‘ding’ ‘Ashen Wings reaches 3rd lvl 7’

‘ding’ ‘Avatar of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 16’

‘ding’ ‘Veteran reaches 2nd lvl 11’

‘ding’ ‘Wind Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 15’
‘ding’ ‘Wind Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 20’

Ilea waited for a moment, sitting in the stairwell with the Fae on her side before she sighed.

A ding resounded.

‘ding’ ‘You have proven to be more resilient and masochistic than few before you, training without ANY regard for your own body or mind in a wide variety of General skills. Mostly Resistances. To find and acquire these skills is already an achievement worthy of mention. To train them to their maximum potential is far beyond even that.

For reaching level three hundred in at least one class, unlocking thirty General skills and achieving a minimum of 2nd lvl 20 in ten or more General skills, you have unlocked 3rd tier General skill points.’

Ilea rejoiced with a wide grin. “I did it!”

Joy!, the Fae sent, dancing in the air without knowing exactly what had happened.

She read the rest of the notification, calming herself down unsuccessfully.

‘One third tier General skill point is awarded for reaching 100 levels in General skills.

You currently have: 1061 levels in General skills.

One third tier General skill point awarded
One third tier General skill point awarded
One third tier General skill point awarded
One third tier General skill point awarded
One third tier General skill point awarded
One third tier General skill point awarded
One third tier General skill point awarded
One third tier General skill point awarded
One third tier General skill point awarded
One third tier General skill point awarded

“Holy fuck… that’s way more than I expected. This is a little overwhelming…,” Ilea murmured and summoned one of Keyla’s meals.

She needed something to distract herself, shoveling the food into her mouth as she explained the achievement to her companion.

Joy, it repeated and patted her head.


“I’ll think about each point carefully, don’t worry,” she said between bites.

As she calmed down, the overwhelming feeling turned to a more subdued joy. The main benefit of all her resistance skills were of course the skills themselves. Third tier benefits would be a nice addition but even if they were very powerful, it wouldn’t top simply having second tier resistances in the first place.

Let’s see what’s available then…

‘3rd tier General skill points available [1061 Total skill levels]: 10’

‘General skills available for third tier advancement:’

- Meditation

You have fought with Meditation active, have trusted in the skill and have consistently used it to its full potential in the midst of battle. It is certainly crafty and yet quite opposite to the actual intention. Through your complete disregard for such matters, you have unlocked the potential third tier of Meditation.

- Blood Manipulation Resistance

You have faced both the carefully crafted Corruption of the Descent as well as the might of a Starved Vampire. Neither has fazed you, proving that your body is ready to advance Blood Manipulation Resistance to the third tier.

- Heat Resistance

Be it Cliff Wyverns or the power of a Trakorov, you have faced and lived through their smoldering fire. Truly, it is remarkable your path has not lead to fire related classes but here we are. You may advance this skill to the third tier.

- Light Magic Resistance

Not many have witnessed the combined effort of Elder Sun Sprites and even fewer have lived to tell the tale. It is beyond anything the second tier would provide protection against, making you ready for the third tier.

- Wind Resistance

The Storm Griffin is an ancient and proud creature. Your survival is a grave insult and proof enough that you deserve to reach the next tier of Wind Resistance.

Ilea read through the information, surprised the actual achievements that were needed to unlock the third tier were listed. The same wasn’t true for her class skills after all.

A little annoying that achievements are necessary at all, meaning I have to face something ridiculous in the first place to get the option for a third tier.

Meditation, Heat and Wind were the obvious choices out of the list. Ilea kind of wanted Light Magic Resistance too but she would think about it a little longer.

“Meditation, heat and wind resistance. What do you think?” she asked the Fae.

It sent a mental thumbs up.

I’ll still have plenty more points to spend for everything else. Just have to find insane creatures to fight… though I guess the lightning and sand Elementals count, as well as the Trakorov. Need to get those to level twenty.

Ilea focused on the now, culling her excitement a little. She had time to level a bunch more resistances to the end of the second tier. Afterwards she’d have to check on Trian. She cringed a little at how long she was already gone and the time it would take to get the rest of her skills where she wanted them.

I also kind of want to explore the last five layers before going back, she thought and tapped her chin.

Ah, he can wait a little longer. Patience is a virtue any medic should have, she thought and ignored the matter for now. Her own progress was more important right now. Ilea planned to have the Medic Sentinels be mostly independent of her anyway. After some initial guidance of course.

‘ding’ ‘Meditation reaches 3rd lvl 1’

Meditation – 3rd lvl 1
While in the state of meditation you cannot move. Your natural mana and stamina regeneration is increased by a factor of 423%. The factor is improved upon leveling up the skill.
2nd stage: Your familiarity with Meditation lets you move slowly while the skill is active
3rd stage: Few ever reach this stage, normally through centuries of study and meditation. You have stood amidst death, trusting the flow of mana to be at your side. Vast experience and understanding has changed your very core. The effects of Wisdom are doubled. Meditation is no longer limited by movement.

“Oh my shit! The Enavurin was right!” she exclaimed and laughed, feeling as if invisible flood gates within herself had opened up.

Ilea checked her status with a grin.


Vitality: 816
Endurance: 405
Strength: 515
Dexterity: 420
Intelligence: 740
Wisdom: 905

Health: 8110/8110
Stamina: 3738/4000
Mana: 6821/18100

Double the power, she thought and looked at the Fae.

“Meditation third tier doubles the effects of Wisdom… can you fucking believe that?” she asked.

The creature nodded knowingly, sending her another thumbs up.

Wait, effects of Wisdom are doubled and I can keep Meditation active at all times now… regeneration being a percentage… holy shit!

She summoned her notebook with the previous calculations and added the changes.

The bonus to Wisdom alone increased her mana per minute from 4.5% to 9%, doubling again thanks to her maximum mana doubling from 9050 to 18’000. Instead of doing the math, Ilea just slammed her fist into the wall behind her a couple times and checked how fast her mana regenerated.

Around 33 per second without Meditation and nearly 46 per second with the skill. I don’t really have to consider the first number though, she thought. This was huge, bigger than most of her third tier class bonuses recently.

Well, practically maybe not that significant but I don’t really have to worry about mana in the near future.

Then again, the next creature I fight could just as well be ten times as durable… still… now I have a chance to kill whatever it may be without having to recharge several times.

Stamina was affected by the Meditation change as well, meaning the resource was barely a concern now that she didn’t have to slow down to use the skill anymore.

Ilea tested it quickly, flying around and watching the numbers as she used her most costly mana intrusion abilities.

“Fuck yeah, Fae Fae!” she exclaimed.


“What? The nickname?”

It nodded.

“Alright then, Mr. Violence,” she said, elated from the skill change.

The Fae sent an approving thought.

Ilea slowed down and continued her meal, selecting Heat Resistance for the next level up.

‘ding’ ‘Heat Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 1’

Heat Resistance – 3rd lvl 1
Ignoring the warnings of your parents and friends, you refuse to not stand in fire. This skill will help lessen the damage and pain a little.
2nd stage: You’ve been burnt and melted again and again. Through extreme exposure, your skin, muscles and bones become much harder to burn and melt.
3rd stage: It is a mystery how the soul of a literal Volcano has found its way into your body, forcing you to seek out fire and heat as much as you do. Do you not see how melting your body is not a good idea? The third tier lets you retain and use some of the flames and heat around you, should you choose to do so. They are still damaging of course but it seems you are beyond caring.

Ilea smiled at the jabs, knowing that there was either a god like being governing all this or the magic allowing her to learn and improve skills tapped into her own subconscious to form these paragraphs before they were beamed into her mind.

The benefits were rather unclear, making her hesitate with the third skill she wanted to improve. Kind of want to test this one before I advance my Wind Resistance.

“I’ll wait with the third skill,” she said to the Fae.


“Yes yes… you know it’s reasonable though. I first want to see how good the Heat Resistance bonus is.” she said and stood up, excited to test some things out and to get more resistances.

Give me your magic, creatures of the Descent!



Can't wait for all the corrections... hmmmm

Tony Gilbert King

Thanx for the chapters. Not doing anything with the level reaching high enough to get a redundant third tier point for each class?


"I’ll ask Elfie to translate it at some point" - probably should excise one of these. Probably the first one.


Not sure why she didn't just levelled all general skills that she could, it seems like a waste to have all those skillpoints lie around unused, just hoping that she might find other inanities to commit


Hahahaha that was perfect thanks for the chapter


Oh hells yes. Ever more OP Ilea here we come!


She'll likely be able to get Arcane magic resistance to the 3rd tier when that reaches the cap, with her facing the storms.


hi, thanks for the new chapter

Matt H

First, thanks for the chapters and love the story. Second, unless there are other ways to unlock 3rd tier general skill points (which is entirely possible), the requirements don't seem to mesh too well with the awarding of 3rd tier points. As it currently stands anybody who meets the base requirements (ignoring the achievements) will immediately receive at least 4 points. Personally, it seems like there should be a route to unlocking the points and only receiving a single point to start with.

Garbled Sounds

Third level of meditation did not disappoint.


That'd be at lvl 350, and she's not quite there yet.


I don't think that would make a good system. You need 10 maxed skills waiting for the upgrade and then what? You have to choose one? I mean it's good for skills because she chooses a path but with resistance they don't synergies. My idea for the author would be to remove all the complications with skill points here and automatically reward the 3rd skill when great feat is achieved. What do you think?


Thanks for the chapter. Now that she has third tier general skills I wonder if avatar of ash is affected because its second and third tier give bonuses based on her quantity and quality of resistance skills.

Carlo Aquino

I really appreciate this novel, it’s not entirely unique but there is something in it that makes me crave for more chapters. Maybe its the direction of the story that makes it so special, which in most cases when a transmigrator find themselves in a new world they often get tangle with various influences instead of exploring the vast lands within and savoring every part of it. That’s the difference between Ilea and the rest, She is a true adventurer, slowly unravelling the mysteries of Elos and her getting stronger by the day really puts a smile on my face(I love OP MCs). Thank you Rhaegar for writing such a wonderful novel.


Thanks for the chapters. Third tiers! And I think they are being handled in a great way - being based on actually improving General Skills and not her Class-level, while also needing achievements to advance. Also, the fact that she benefits from taking a skill from 2nd1 to 2nd20 for a Resistance that she will never actually need is also nice (it gives 1/5 of a 3rd tier point to do so). Basically Ilea will become even more of a Resistance junkie Note added via edit: Note that I always had it written as taking a resistance from 2nd1 to 2nd20 now having a benefit - Avatar of Ash already gave her a benefit from improving a resistance to 2nd1, but not for 2nd20; but Ilea now gains 19 points (almost 1/5 of a 3rd tier skill-point) for raising it from 2nd1 to 2nd20


For some reason, what i most look forward to right now is her eventually being identified with [Healer - ???] if she ever gets there


She has 10 points because of the large amount of general skills that she has, but it is hard to get more in the future. Each skill get her 40 point and she needs 100 to get a 3ed skill point. So she can only get 2 out of 5 of her skills to the 3ed tier.


hm the skills only spesifies tier 1 and 2 so unless there descriptions have changed (they might) we have to wait for 4th tier bonus on those skills


I dont love OP MCs but somehow Ilea dont feel OP to me beacuse she have earned her power. Most MCs that are OP got that power in an lottery, Ilea did not she gained that power herself!


Perfectly executed! Love it!

Tommy Littlefield

So exciting 3rd tier general skills now!!!

Tommy Littlefield

Feel like getting third tier arcane and ash resistances would possibly help power up her class directly with third tier bonuses


lol third tier Meditation didn't disapoint... She is now unkillable XD She doesn't even need to manage her resources anymore with her instant auto heal, in case she looses an important part like her brain XD


Yes Third tier general skills! And finally we got that sweet thrid tier Meditation skill. The bliss and i am looking when she gets back to ravenhall. Probabaly is over 350.


It's 2/5 since it's 20 from first tier and 20 from second tier.


So now we now the great secret! Finally! We knoe that there are ways to get to the third tier eventually and now a way to actually get third tiers, but with a great handicap that it's to achieve something while leveling the skill itself (or while using the skill) which is great and make Illea trying to achieve something!


Thanks for the chapters!


The third tier lets you retain and use some of the flames and heat around you, should you choose to do so. They are still damaging of course but it seems you are beyond caring --> quite amazing actually. Especially with her cinders skill.


She can unlock all the general skills she wants, the 3rd level will give her 30 extra general points, and if she needs more she just has to train with weapons that are useless for her.


So what skills does she “need” in the 3rd tier? (not in order) - Veteran - Time Magic Resistance - Mana Drain Resistance - Health Drain Resistance - Stamina Drain Resistance - Soul Magic Resistance - Blast Resistance - Mental Resistance - Curse Resistance - Monster Hunter - Arcane Magic Resistance - Void Magic Resistance - Wind Magic Resistance Time and Veteran because if she can't act then she can't defend herself. Also Veteran... The drain Resistances because if she runs out of any of them she is screwed aslo there is an chance she might get increased regeneration as the 3rd tier on those. Soul because if there is anything that can ignore your health pool and kill you directly it is that. Also the damage is not something that she is currently able to heal 100%, she just has to wait. Blast because of the general impact resistance it gives her. Curse and Mental because of the debilitating side effects on those attacks. Monster Hunter well is there really a question on this one? It's going to take some time, but she have time. Arcane gives her increased ability to handle high mana concentrations she is going to need that if she wants to be around dragons. It also have a chance of giving her an general magic damage resistance on the 3rd tier. Void because of the instant kill potential those attacks have, I can totally see an high enough leveled opponent sending her entire body to the void, not just her head or heart, and then she have to just hope she can survive there. Wind just because of the flight upgrade of the second tier bonus might become even stronger! I am going to have to stop her as she needs another 440 levels of general skills to get all of those already :)


Actually not all her general skills but about 56% of them!

Grond (James)

Does this mean she can continuously burn herself and level the Heat Resistance and Pain Resistance at the same time?

Grond (James)

All true. But add in Pain. She has certainly earned that. And I suspect she would want to level some of the basic ones as well. Like Lighting


Yay. 3rd tier's. :D

Grond (James)

This was so good!!! I couldn't stop smiling. When she levels like this, I just enjoy it so much. Having an MC who truly earned their OPness is the best. I really want to have a detailed description of how others see her when she uses Monster Hunter around them or hits level 500. I truly can't wait! If she already had them at 2nd level 20, I think there are a number of other resistances that she has already earned the third tier in. Lighting for the lighting elemental, mental from the Blue Reapers and the Vermath, Pain is obvious, Curse from nearly getting killed by the Praetorians. Cold if she challenges that underground creature on the stone cyclops level. Why didn't she already have Sound Resistance from that flying whale that attacked Ravenhall? Why hasn't her Identify skill leveled recently? You would think using it on creatures over a thousand levels higher than you would help.

Jack Trowell

"The near reverie from the dark one annoyed her a little" Was it maybe supposed to be "The near reverence" instead ?

Matthew D

My opinion of 3rd tier resistances to get with her remaining points - wind - mental - lightning - arcane - mana drain - health drain - curse - monster hunter And eventually void when she hits 1100 general skills and get another 3rd tier point. Maybe earth too?

Thaabit Rivertree

I hope she saves a point for veteran. Other than that, I'm guessing she'll get the most mileage out of various elemental resistances since she doesn't have any glaring weaknesses to cover. Time magic and soul magic would be interesting, but either difficult to unlock or not useful very often. Mental resistance would be good since you can't put a price on resisting mental magic (especially if it protects against spells of the charm variety) Normally I'd say use them on the drain resistances but her Regen is already so high they might be better spent elsewhere. I'd say: veteran, mental resistance, arcane resistance, various others. Arcane because it seems like some sentient baddies use it (Elven oracles come to mind, and maybe dragons?) ((On a side note, if she ever got 3rd tier time resistance It would be cool if it made her partially immune to the effects of time. I.e. You age slower and time magic partially reflects.)) Edit: In addition to the above, I'd also say Curse (seems to be favored by the Taleen), and Blast (would be generally useful). I can't remember if the first level of Earth Resistance also made her body tougher, but I know the second level did. If that trend continues, maybe Earth could be worth a shot.

Acquiles Vitorino de Melo Graça

If Meditation can double WIS, than there's probably other skills doing the same at third tier right? Veteran and monster hunter seem like very likely candidates. Maybe weapon skill do the same when using one of them.


yeah the sound resistance and identify levels are definitely something that was overlooked way back in the day. almost too far back to retcon now :( the only argument i've heard against her low identify level is that the skill technically fails when she can't see the level, and since she really only ever spends time fighting things above her identify threshhold, it hardly ever gains experience. not sure i buy that theory though.


Earth and Blast resistances have much more far-ranging useful effects than the two drains or curse resistance, imo. I think, in order of usefulness: - Mental - Earth - Arcane - Wind - Blast - Pain - Time - Lightning


Good idea, but I don't agree with monster hunter being a candidate. IF there's a general skill for each stat, it should be a skill that is universally obtainable by "interacting" with the stat in question and with MH the local berserk-gardener was surprised about it and didn't know it before. Meditation is obtained by trying to gain insights or simply regenerating quicker. Ergo wisdom, our fixpoint so far. I would say pain resistance is the one for Vitality, although veteran is also possible but less "general" in my mind. Both could also fit for endurance in a way? Identify is related to knowledge, I can't imagine there's a more likely one for the intelligence stat and IF that's true, our dear foodie will take a while before getting that ridiculous damage buff. Now, besides a language skill, those seem to be the only "general" skills Ilea obtained so far, leaving quite a hole this theory. Maybe Ilea only interacted with e.g. dexterity in situations where she used her class-related skills to move/fight/fly and never gained a skill like [acrobatics] because of it. That could also mean that a being that gained a mana drain ability early on might never obtain meditation for this reason. Man, speculating how a fantasy-setting works can be very fun if it's rules are kept fair but mysterious (aka the author just does whatever they want if there's a need for it).


im suprised about no lightning resistance from the elemental

Michael C

Mental, curse, blood first. Then I would focus on the most common skills. Being able to simply ignore most attacks from human and elves. Or even better reflect them would be cool.


Her lightning resistance is not at 2/20 yet I believe. It will likely be there ready to upgrade once she maxes it. Curse, blast and the drain resistances are the only ones she has maxed, but hasn't got the achievement for. All of these make sense since she has never really fought anything that had overwhelming power in any of those categories, although an argument could probably be made for a few curse based attacks that were very damaging to her at least at the time.


yeah, Meditation and Heat Resistance were the only no brainers from the list available to her.


"The bonus to Wisdom alone increased her mana per minute from 4.5% to 9%, doubling again thanks to her maximum mana doubling from 9050 to 18’000. Instead of doing the math, Ilea just slammed her fist into the wall behind her a couple times and checked how fast her mana regenerated. Around 33 per second without Meditation and nearly 46 per second with the skill. I don’t really have to consider the first number though, she thought. This was huge, bigger than most of her third tier class bonuses recently." and "While in the state of meditation you cannot move. Your natural mana and stamina regeneration is increased by a factor of 423%. The factor is improved upon leveling up the skill." These numbers are off, 9% of 18,100 is 1,629/min, or 27.15/sec with Meditation active it should be 114.84/sec.

Tommy Littlefield

Agree on veteran and mental resistance and kinda monster hunter randomly I think would be interesting Element I’d go arcane and ash cause if it’s like fire and lets her harness the related element it might boost the power of her classes or even unlock better classes since she can resist even usually harmful class evolutions (or something idk if that even happens exists) As for time I’m sure it has a neat third tier but slowing aging is kinda dumb every class evo extends life expectancies as far as I understand it at least so effectively the way she levels age will never be an issue also she has a healer class I wouldn’t be that surprised if class evo at like 500 gives aging immunity anyways just through class bonus 🤷🏻‍♂️


Though i guess all her passive "Active" skills plus her healing might be using up about 69 mp a sec. That would mean she'd run out of mp before being fully healed if Meditation wasn't active and she didn't have enough mp saved up. Which kinda ruins my unkillable image of her.


Didnt many of her passive skill costs get reduced to 0 in their third tier ? I dont think thats where the difference comes from Either the author has a different system for calculating thise numbers or it is a mistake I do agree those numbers should be higher

Morog T Tiny

she should work on her archery... oh and veteran.

Rip Woodham

(Yikes this looks long) Everything I hoped and more. I actually said in Discord maybe it is just gated and when she finally meets the requirements she will get a lot of points to upgrade with.... shot down scoff. :-p The only thing I had missed actually was the particular requirements to make a skill eligible beyond being at the cap, and I love it. Very well designed, going to get a lot of mileage out of this system. 3rd tier Meditation is an incredible upgrade but importantly, Ilea still does not have anything like unlimited mana. She was always heavily rationing her mana use before, except when she could end a fight quickly without more afterward. Having twice the mana pool and constant Meditation is huge, but if Meditation restored a tiny amount before, it now restores a small amount. Still she'll be able to use her skills at least twice as much as before! I don't think the release of Heart of Cinder damaged her at all before, so the reused heat and flames from it should just make it stronger at no cost. What she can do with the damaging heat building within her is a different matter, and I'm excited to find out what it is. Maybe..... charge Cinder faster?! I think Wind will let her use some of the momentum to boost herself, and also make her naturally even more graceful. Pick. I think they'd all be great, and that's why I love that she'll never be able to get but half or so of what she ever has. Hard choices! I feel like her ability to level a skill further should be part of the choice, though. For instance she has that clan of Sun Sprites nearby, and fully intends to make them pay, but is already capped. The return would be minimal.... but Light is an affinity she's likely enough to find powerful foes possessing, and is always around unless it is dark. She already gets a general benefit from the resistance, even if it is small - letting her see better in bright light. It should be a much expanded in some way benefit with the 3rd tier, so I think this one is a relatively easy choice. Going down some of the rest of the list for the future.... Veteran. Duh? Monster Hunter. Please level this faster. Please Ilea. For your fans, okay? Arcane is a definite pick. It's going to be more prevalent in higher level places, and may improve her Azarinth class in some way. I remember Claire being in awe at the "pure Arcane" exuding from her when seeing her for the first time after 300. The Storms should let her cap it and make it eligible. Ash, well obviously.... but the skill is level one and she's found nothing that can help her level it yet. If she does she'd get 40 points before she could upgrade it, which is nearly half the cost. I wouldn't be holding a point in reserve for it. Blast, really not eligible? Well I think it's a pick..... a strong enough blast would destroy her instantly even if one hasn't come close to it yet, and she gets hit with them often enough. I get the feeling it would do more than that, though. Likely even more passive benefit, because what do you do to strengthen anything against blast? Earth may seem like an obvious choice with its passive benefits, but I don't know that they'd be part of the upgrade specifically and she's not really vulnerable to earthen attacks. Health and Mana Drain and Lightning may also seem obvious, but I feel like she's strong enough in that area. Same deal with Blood Magic and Manipulation. Maybe it'd boost her regen, but it's not like she needs that. Mental definitely. Go back to the Enavurin, cap it, unlock it, raise it. Not only is it likely she'll face some incredibly strong foes with it, and Enavurin has to be gentle with her as it is now, but it could, just possibly, enhance her mental faculties as well. Pain, oh yes. Would pain make her stronger, or would some of the pain be reflected? She has one of the most suited builds for getting something out of pain. Soul sure, sure..... but with that being nowhere close and no way to get it there if she could even endure it, I wouldn't be holding onto a point for it. Time yeah, a true master could still freeze her solid. Likely would also make her ageless or something but it's not like she needs that, just too big a vulnerability. But.... it may be a long time before she's eligible for that, and at that time she could decide with new information. Water if she can ever get it would be a pick, considering she is definitely not a water creature and needs all the help she can get. But again, who knows when that could possibly be up. Wood, get it for the damn elves. Unless she gets the ability to turn into ash, a high enough wood mage which we know the elves have and she'll face at some point could be bad news for her. I suspect it will make her skin immensely tougher, too. Of course, once again..... attainability nowhere in sight. Lots of others that are just too obscure or low to consider at this point. Though I can see her getting Gravity, Space etc at some point in places with more of it. So. Unlocking Wind, Mental, Light and Veteran while in the Descent, and Arcane outside before leaving the North. Assuming she gets another point by then would leave her with 4. It's also possible she could get Pain or Monster Hunter if she makes a real effort, and that would bring her down to 3 or 2. But we also don't know what else is in the other layers.... Ash, Blast, Water, Wood and Earth, etc are possibilities. All her points could be used like that. But she should absolutely save one for Arcane outside and one to hold in reserve for emergencies, IMO. Another cool thing about this is we will get to see Ilea struggling to level general General Skills and having a much harder time with them than resistances. I can already see Keyla chasing her out of the kitchen screaming never again and Hand tutors becoming frustrated enough to risk the ire of a nearly level 400 being hahaha.


Identify at 3 tear is probably the reason the watch used to hide there names a pity we won't be seeing that from Ilea


now (or much later...) she should go back to her idea and pick up various weapons and other obscure general skills just for the level filler. She had fire manipulation without any class so there also has to be skills for the most common abilities, like riding, languages, dancing and so on...

Rip Woodham

Not, actually, disappointed my suspicious about the Vampire and Cynthia were wrong. It seems like too often nowadays all it takes to make a story 'good' are twists and turns and 'mystery boxes.' Simple can be good. Simple is refreshing. It's one of the chief things I've enjoyed about this story, just like how some games are relaxing and you can hop on them to unwind after work, I can always look forward to a release of Azarinth Healer and bask in it while drinking a cup of coffee or eating a meal. Azarinth Healer can be intense or sad of course, I love it when it is. But it doesn't drive a dagger into your heart, punch you in the kidney or twist your head off with all its turns.


She should have 910 wisdom, 8160 health, 4050 stamina, and 18,200 mana.

Chad Hagner

So many possibilities! I'm so stoked to see Ilea become an even bigger beast! Keep up the great writing author, this story is down right my favorite!

Grond (James)

Well, I guess it's confirmed that she somehow kept her bracelet and armor from the last fight


the math on that meditation makes 0 sense

The 49th Khan

Actually, i'm pretty sure she got fire manipulation in her fire enhancer class. And it would be more efficient if she just raised the skills she has now. It took her months just to get her heavy archery skill without a relevant class. Even if she gets a weapon or other skill it will takes a long time to level up. Now in a hundred levels or so and Ilea takes off a couple years or so as a break, then i can see her doing those as a hobby to fill her spare time.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Jonathan Walker

Okay fuck you for holding off on the wind resistance damnit lol

Dominic French

I guess she is going to Max out her lava resistance next I wonder what the second tier will give her? We also don't know when you reach the peak of tier 3 yet, or if tier 4 even has a requirement to enter other than levels. It could be every odd level requires a point to enter the next tier, or it could be that the tiers end Im waiting to see.


Yeah. I think it was like 423% improvement to Regen. So 33 per second turned to 46 per second doesn’t make sense.


Archery would take forever since she has advantages. Would be interesting though.


first we gotta see a level cap for 3rd tier skills


Yeah... and the Griffin is right in front of her... Now that is an insult.


With third tier heat resist and heart of cinder the only thing I can think to is the human torch. :)


I have thought about how magma resistance is related to earth and fire, the resistance to ash could be related to wood and fire, it would be interesting that maximizing both gets an improvement in ash.

Rip Woodham

I hadn't considered how what she chooses for her General Skills could affect her Evolutions but that's absolutely right. Like with the 3rd Tier of Heat Resistance saying it's a wonder it hasn't led to a fire class, and her Evolutions citing specific Resistances like Fear. It's changed my mind actually. Instead of building to counter Ilea should build to her strengths and use what is available to her. After 400 she can worry about Resistances to counter things. I'd still say Arcane, Mental, Wind, Light, Veteran. Pain. But Lava too, and really whatever she can get that looks good. With a point in reserve she can always use it or take time off to grind general skills if she encounters something else she has to have. But take the bull by the horns, don't waste time or opportunities unless it doesn't fit.


And I'd say she should see to getting the drain resistances to the 3rd tier in conjunction with the arcane one, mind and then maybe lightning.

Atlas Dwarf

Hoping 3rd tier Arcane Resistance gives something like a boost for her Int or magic based Skills. Maybe Mental Resistance 3rd tier making it harder to target her mind (ie immune to random AoE). It would be neat if the 3rd tier of Pain Tolerance let attackers feel her pain when they damage her.