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Author's note January 30th: Hello all :). As mentioned in a comment on 420, 3 chapters today and only 1 on Saturday. I do try to avoid cliffhangers but this one was not going to go.

Let me know what you think of these and have a nice rest of the week!

FYI: The slow down in chapters due to civil service starts on March 1st. I will inform you again to make sure everyone is up to date and informed.

Another thing, I changed the "orbits" mention in 417 to "cycles" because I'm stupid and don't know how days work apparently. Thanks for the mention.

PDF/EPUB: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32241245

Update: See bottom of chapter :).

Chapter 421 Buried

Ilea saw her companions in the distance, flying as a trio around the Elemental, fire and death crashing against the sand still half covered in a layer of glass.

“Any chance for another one of those?” Ilea asked the being, patching up its cut face. Even removing the corruption wasn’t easy with her ash, she couldn’t imagine actually fighting the monster.

Just don’t get hit by the Elemental, she thought and quickly checked her few notifications while she healed.

‘ding’ ‘Veteran reaches 2nd lvl 8’

‘ding’ ‘Lava Magic Resistance reaches lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Lava Magic Resistance reaches lvl 3’

‘ding’ ‘Sand Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 14’

Ilea kept her eyes on the Elemental as she flew close to the Trakorov’s face, her sphere informing her about the wounds. She continued with its legs, the creature yet to make another move.

The heavy breathing made her think the attack had exerted it more than she had expected. Granted, even she would have likely been vaporized in a direct hit of its spell. Both the Elemental’s survival as well as the partial glassing spoke for each of the creatures’ insane power.

It had certainly been the right decision to bring this one onto the field instead of trying to face the corrupted Elemental directly.

Another annoying hiss came from the creature as tendrils of sand burst out from various cracks, wiggling into the open and trying to pry away the glass.

Ilea was done with the monster’s legs and landed back on its head. “Ready for round two?” she asked, infusing her voice.

The Trakorov huffed before it looked up and roared.

Explosions of fire racked through the hovering sand, cut into by streams of death magic and cursed by the elf protecting the others with his barriers, projectiles occasionally crashing into them.

Ilea felt the heat build before a stream of lava entirely covered the sand, hissing sounds from both the heat and the Elemental reaching her moments later.

Fucking sound shit, she thought, healing her own ears and those of the Trakorov.

‘ding’ ‘Sound Magic Resistance reaches lvl 3’

“I think that just made it more mad,” she said, watching a blob of sand break out and rush to the ground.

A ball of fire impacted the creature as well as another lava spell, both burning into the sand.

The flying glass prison covered in molten rock returned to being just that, crashing into the desert a moment later, shards and splinters spreading onto the thin field of glass that had formed near where the Trakorov had broken out of the ground.

The Elemental retained a similar form, moving over the glass surface as if it was slithering, its legs losing form with each attempted step, its wings uselessly flapping on its back. Sand burst through the cracks on the ground and from farther out, rebuilding the creature as it hissed, shrugging off the magic that crashed into its body.

“Come on, we have to keep it on the glass. Otherwise it will return to sand storm form,” Ilea said and blinked forward, pointing at the glassed area and the Elemental.

The behemoth huffed and followed, its steps building momentum, steam rising from its mouth, eyes focused on the enemy.

Ilea smiled and landed on its back, holding on with her limbs as they closed the distance.


Niivalyr could barely hold his barriers against the Elemental’s sound magic, their group much closer now than they had been before.

“Distance!” Maro shouted, the three of them moving back as a plethora of sand projectiles and tendrils moved up from below.

Niivalyr formed a barrier below as they ascended. “It is charging…,” he said with a disbelieving voice.

The Trakorov was running, its massive claws and weight breaking the layer of glassed sand as if it was a tin sheet of ice formed over a pond.

“The Elemental cannot reach the desert,” Catelyn said and sent a ball of fire at the creature.

It hissed and blocked the spell, engulfed in fire as the blast further cracked the glass around it. The Elemental focused back on the Trakorov when it heard the roar, sand pouring in from all directions but its half formed body charging nonetheless.

“Is that… what is she doing?!” Catelyn exclaimed.

Niivalyr couldn’t keep the grin from his face when he spotted the ashen dot between the horns. “She is keeping it alive.”

“I was wondering where she was,” Maro said. “Come on, it’s far from over.”


Ilea sent her own spears into the approaching projectiles, to both deflect them or slow them down at the very least.

The sand blades created by the Elemental mostly bounced off the Trakorov’s armor but some managed small cuts. Ilea herself wasn’t targeted, the Elemental focused entirely on the creature she was riding.

Sand both formed on its body, around it and came rushing through the cracks below as well as from farther out where the ground wasn’t glassed but remained a desert.

Ilea herself formed all the ash she could, building walls in front of her in the few seconds before the monsters impacted.

They crashed into each other with so much force, both were lifted up as Ilea was flung to the side and away from them, blinking up just before she hit the ground.

She watched the Trakorov bite into the Elemental’s shoulder as lava flowed from between its teeth. Sand spears cut into the monster from several sides, digging into its carapace and soon drawing blood.

Monstrous claws shredded into the sand, finding little purchase but shedding away corruption and hardened chunks nonetheless.

Ilea blinked again, using her Heart of Cinder to push and burn away the sand and corruption, healing specific wounds she deemed the most dangerous.

She used her wings and tail as well as her limbs to weave through the hundreds of projectiles and tendrils of sand that constantly formed and rained down, battering the carapace.

Lava covered half the Elemental but it wouldn’t be enough, more sand flowing in as well as simply forming out of thin air.

Ilea used Storm of Cinders too by now, pushing mana into the sand tendrils as she cut and healed, occasionally hit by a stray blade or tendril that she chose to ignore thank to her precognition.

Death magic and fire burned away at wounded parts or larger spikes of sand that burrowed into the powerful monster from below.

The Trakorov’s arms were getting caught in massive mounds of sand, building up and keeping them in place as it kept its tight grip around the Elemental’s shoulder with its jaws.

Ilea saw the white barriers form around the sand on its left arm, biting into the mound of sand to get it free.

She blinked away and charged her wings, forming an ashen drill as large as her own body in front of herself, adding ash to it until the density couldn’t get higher. Her wings charged, she made the whole thing spin around a solid base and charged.

Her flight speed accelerated before she slammed into the heavy mound of sand that kept the monster’s right arm locked down. Her resistance to the element made her push farther, her drill burrowing deep before it was stopped.

Enough to break through. Ilea blinked again before the sand around her closed, seeing with joy how the arm broke out and slashed into the Elemental’s head, biting deep into its body before it stopped.

She flew back and continued healing, cutting out corruption that seeped into the Trakorov as she charged her Heart of Cinder, keeping an eye on her resources.

Fire and Death magic assisted her continuously, wounds burnt out and ready to be healed, sand tendrils decaying before her eyes.

The Trakorov’s left hand had slammed into the Elemental’s side, the sand creature by now reverting to an undefined form as it slowly spread over its assailant.


Maro dodged several projectiles coming his way, teleporting to avoid the last one as he charged another beam, aiming at the sand spikes forming below the large creature.

“It is about to devour the creature!” the elf shouted from a couple meters to his left, forming a barrier to block a series of attacks.

“Stop the sand!” Catelyn replied, forming a set of fireballs.

A wave of heat expanded out from the Trakorov, burning up the building corruption but only pushing back the sand for a moment, reforming quickly as it slowly covered its face, its arms completely stuck in the growing Elemental.

Explosions of fire bit into the encroaching sand.

“Closer!” Niivalyr said and teleported, appearing on the creature’s back, forming barriers that stopped the sand’s movement.

Maro nodded, teleporting in front of the elf as purple flames formed on his body. He slowly walked towards the sand and the Trakorov’s head.

“This territory I claim. Return to death,” he whispered as a ripple of magic flowed out, sapping the forces that animated the sand. “Law of Rhyvor,” the words spoken, he felt a large part of his mana leaving, the ripples of death magic flaring up in purple flames.

He smiled, seeing the effects of his new third tier bonus, the flames spreading as he continued to pour more mana into it, both arms outstretched.

“Get back!” the elf’s words reached him just when a tendril of sand snatched around his ankle.

His teleport failed as his eyes opened wide at the avalanche of sand breaking through his flames, as if they were the mere cinders of a bonfire.

A beam of death magic separated the tendril but half his body was already covered in sand. A fiery explosion sent heat over him and the sand, ripping out a chunk of sand as well as half his arm.

A hundred blades slashed through his armor, tendrils punching through his arms, his body exploding in purple flames as the spear about to pierce his head was blocked by the fire.

Still, his teleport failed and his last stand ability too would only last as long as he had mana, the Elemental slamming more blades into his defense every passing moment, only a small part of the sand decayed by his spells.

Maro struggled frantically, for each destroyed section of sand, the pressure of another increased threefold.

He coughed up blood, realizing that he was trapped, arms held up defensively as the sand covered him entirely.

A fitting end, challenging an Elemental, he thought, his sight blurring slightly.

A sudden blast of heat burned away the sand on his left, a dozen ashen limbs cutting between him and the sand, ripping him out before he impacted someone’s chest, nearly puking from the maneuvers that followed.

He saw the ashen tendrils moving behind them, suddenly vanishing entirely, as if plucked from existence. He couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, coughing up more blood as he felt something warm flow into him, something that protected him, kept him whole.

“Don’t pee your pants you old fart,” he heard a familiar voice say, an annoyance rising within him before it was quenched by the warm feeling.


Ilea charged and flew as far away as she dared, pumping Maro full of healing magic that he simply ate up, his condition not improving much according to her spell. The wounds however did close and she knew that he would probably survive, having seen his ability several times already.

This time he had even been semi conscious, now passed out and drooling blood and slobber onto her armored chest.

She deemed the distance enough and chucked him onto a nearby rock. “Thanks for the assist, little one. Can you keep him safe for a while?” she asked the Fae that had appeared nearby, her wings charging already as she once again formed a drill and checked her Heart of Cinder. Not quite enough but with the next couple seconds she might have a chance.

She had hoped the Elemental at least somewhat retained its form but as it turns out it could just become fucking moving sand.


She nodded to the Fae and sped up, covering the distance in mere seconds as she aimed right in front of where the Trakorov’s head would be.

The Elemental had covered a third of the other monster’s body by now, only marginally slowed down by the waves of heat it exuded as well as the shields and fire magic from Ilea’s teammates.

She suspected the Elemental had retorted to a tactic she herself would have deemed useful against the large lava breathing creature.

A heavy impact sent her burrowing into the sand, stopping a little past the Trakorov’s open maw. Fully surrounded by sand, Ilea started to use her reversed healing as well as her limbs to deliver Mana Intrusion spells.

Her eyes however were focused on the open maw, massive teeth still moving as more sand poured into the monster’s throat. She charged her wings again and reformed a drill, as large as she managed with the encroaching sand. She shot off as soon as they were charged, burrowing through the sand and into the Trakorov’s throat. Her second tier resistance allowed her to get through the sand rather easily, coming out at the other end.

“I really hope this pisses you off,” she said and aimed her hand at the corrupted sand that closed in from outside. Heart of Cinder, she sacrificed two thousand health and released the spell, a blinding light of heat and fire forming past her hand as the sand started pushing against her ash.

The fire burned deep, pushing the sand back just enough for her to briefly see the monster’s teeth before they were once more covered in sand.

Heat formed behind her as the muscles around her tensed. Cleaned the way, time to fuck off.

Her perception slowed down as she felt and saw the lava come to life behind her. She formed as much ash as she could in the fraction of a second, moving her arms, limbs and wings out to push against the restricting throat.

Right before the lava came, she made all her ash vanish and moved into a fetus position, activating her blink now that she wasn’t touching the monster anymore.

She appeared where her sphere had perceived nothing to be, twenty meters to the side of the Trakorov’s head, right when a wave of heat washed over her, singeing her skin as her ashen armor reformed, wings spreading behind her.

Ilea watched in anticipation as the sand started glowing a deep red, brightening quickly, the Elemental retreating away from the Trakorov before its insides were turned to glass.

A blob of sand remained, falling to the ground and slithering away before four white barriers formed around it. The Elemental was already adding to its form again within its newfound prison as the Trakorov collapsed, hitting the ground with a resounding crash as the glassed sand shattered, chunks and pieces rolling to the side.

Ilea blinked within the prison, spreading ash to mix it with the sand, her reversed healing flowing into the corrupted Elemental as she charged Absolute Destruction. She felt the powerful effects of Elfie’s curse, her ears popping when a hiss resounded from right next to her.

She could feel the presence, the frenzied elemental trashing against the cracking enclosure. It focused on her as soon as it felt the damage, ignoring the barriers for a moment.

Ilea saw the two white barriers outside, one below the Trakorov’s sideways lying head and one on top of it. Slowly, the elf steered the monster’s head towards his barriers, Catelyn landing on top of it as she charged a sphere of fire.

“Wake up!” Ilea shouted, infusing her voice as she felt her body punched through by the sand, her organs and bones shattered by the powerful creature. Her regeneration couldn’t keep up with the damage.

A smirk spread on her lips when she saw the Trakorov’s eyes open up behind her, its mouth opening just when Elfie opened his prison.

Ilea couldn’t blink but kept the Elemental’s attention on her, moving through the sand as she tried to get herself behind its form.

Flames erupted within the small confines, followed by a focused stream of lava that evoked a hiss from the corrupted creature.

Ilea held on, feeling her flesh and bones melt away, her instant healing recovering her body as the prison was filled with molten rock. The barriers exploded outwards and she felt herself being dragged away.

Elfie, she thought as her eyes reformed, everything below her neck missing entirely. Her instant regeneration made flesh and muscle explode from her head a moment later.

The elf who had held on to her hair was suddenly dragged down by the weight of her whole body, his robes melting and in flames as he rolled on the glass.

Ilea reformed her ashen armor and started healing the elf who was in a bad state, his skull and ears heavily damaged by the sound magic. The lava and heat had burned into his body too, enough to kill any lesser being.

No help of my perception there, she thought, deciding the initial hit of the lava wouldn’t have gotten her down to twenty five percent but the following stored explosion of heat and lava would have finished her off. Hard to say, with Niivalyr saving me, she thought and stood up, staggering as her ashen limbs formed behind her.

“You are… I saw you… reduced to a head!” the elf shouted, ripping off his partially melted steel mask as he coughed blood, barely able to stand up.

Is he really surprised? Ilea thought and saw his smile, right before he started laughing, more blood splattering on the glassed ground.

A ding resounded in her mind as she helped him stand up, healing mana still flowing into him. “A head is all I need,” she said jokingly, the elf recovering quickly.

‘ding’ ‘Your group has defeated [Corrupted Sand Elemental – lvl 1483]’

‘ding’ ‘The Azarinth Sentinel has reached lvl 336 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘The Azarinth Sentinel has reached lvl 337 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘The Azarinth Sentinel has reached lvl 338 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘The Azarinth Sentinel has reached lvl 339 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘The Azarinth Sentinel has reached lvl 340 – Five stat points awarded – One third tier skill point awarded’
‘ding’ ‘The Azarinth Sentinel has reached lvl 341 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘The Azarinth Sentinel has reached lvl 342 – Five stat points awarded’

‘ding’ ‘Kin of Ash has reached lvl 335 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘Kin of Ash has reached lvl 336 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘Kin of Ash has reached lvl 337 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘Kin of Ash has reached lvl 338 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘Kin of Ash has reached lvl 339 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘Kin of Ash has reached lvl 340 – Five stat points awarded – One third tier skill point awarded’
‘ding’ ‘Kin of Ash has reached lvl 341 – Five stat points awarded’

“Focus and stop healing me, heal that one,” Elfie said and pointed at the Trakorov, corruption pulsing from a variety of wounds. “Otherwise we have merely replaced one monster with the next.”





Thanks for no cliffhanger


Great chapters! But kinda weird that she got 4 levels when she was around level 310 from the Goliath Veramath (lvl 783) and now she gains only 4 levels against a lvl 1483 elemental?


Most indubidably ... for the extra chap


i hope she gets something extra in the next chapter and not just some lvls, im looking forward to the third class or unique skills

Michael C

Well the Dragon did the moat damage.and there was a whole.group there


Yeah but she did a great amount of healing and quite bit of damage herself. She contributed at least 20% to the fight.


Well she killed the Goliath mostly alone. Here she was mostly the support among the group of five

Jonathan Walker

Holy fuck. That was the fucking best fight so far. Holy shit it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Epic fight! Loving the story :)


Nice fight and now she has defeated something 1000 level above her XD Not alone, but to be fair that seems to be next to impossible.

Tommy Littlefield

Honestly thought she’d get more class levels and skill levels from that like beings over level 1000 using full powered magic should have better her like 2nd tier resistance to lava and sound just by being right in the middle of the fight But still that fight was fucking epic and her (and the others) next class evolutions should be fucking epic after this achievement


Also it's pretty funny timing reaching climax battle both here and in DotF in the same week when both had almost month long buildup 😂


Say not a cliff hanger but now I need to know whether she got another class for killing it

Patrick Ralston

This feat is probably going to be part of her next evolution. Also that was a really awesome fight.


Interesting that elfies first thought is "heal the tarrasque" instead of finish it off, now that it's wounded.


hell yeah that was magnificent!!!


Yeah me too. Only getting 2 lvls in each class for beating a lvl1400+ being seems weak as heck. I know she was in a group and all but its not like the group was huge and she did play a big role in the fight too. Just mostly as support instead of straight dps. edit: Her healing skills should get a giant boost if nothing else given all the in combat healing she did too. Same thing goes for Lava + Sound magic resistances. Oh well guess we'll have to wait and see on Sat. edit2: author comes through again, ignore the above!! Thanks for not leaving us stuck with a cliffhanger for the fight author!


"“Don’t pee your pants you old fart,” he heard a familiar voice say, an annoyance rising within him before it was quenched by the warm feeling." At first I thought the warm feeling was him actually peeing himself

Matthew D

Retracted opinion since chapter was updated. Nonetheless thank you for not making us suffer with a cliffhanger


The Elemental had likely been corrupted for at least a few days already. Taking the time with the Trakorov to raise its Blood Manipulation Resistance to the 2nd tier and Ilea's Lava to the 2nd to reduce damage from friendly fire likely would've been worth it - although it's very likely the Trakorov isn't as interested in resistance-training as Ilea, and simply would've chosen not to participate at all in that case. Also I wonder how much easier the fight would've been had they fought the Elemental on a Floor not made of sand. Even if it's a Creator and will continuously create sand around it, ambushing it right after it goes up a layer and has not had a long time to do so yet likely would've made a big difference - though again, that would depend on the Trakorov agreeing to it (or wait for the Elemental to reach the 15th floor and force the Griffon to be their ally instead of the Trakorov)


Finally she got her last 3rd tier point. A nice 3rd class would be for reaching lvl 350 under a couple of years, since for most would be impossible with being a child and needing to grow up first. What if the "ascended" it's just that? Ppl who got to power above everyone else rather quickly?


I am pretty sure finishing it off would activate the corruption as a undead thing, though not fully sure. Though maybe it's Elfie having respect or an ally.


Thanks for the chapters and EPIC battle!


Epic kaiju battle Helluva achievement for next evolution I must say, those scavengers'll be over the moon


I doubt the system would acknowledge her reaching a certain threshold in a certain period of time without taking her being a realm-traveler into regard as well. So far, the system didn't seem to be breakable (at least in a grand scheme).

Tim Deral

This was so Goddamn awesome! BY GOD I have Tears in my eyes man. Just awesome. 3 chapters to. You deserve my fucking Money man. hands down the Best chapter in this whole Book!! And you also managed to make maro cool again 👏👏👏👏. Awesome. When that Trio ascended it was like ghost Busters refkingloaded. When they all Hit new evolutions I want you to remember them and reward them for their Spirit! For Never conceding. I want songs in the streets and Wine for the Whores! Gg


Thanks for the 3 chapters, it was a great fight on all aspects. Now she will have all her class skills in 3ed tier. Wondering if she can get general skills that met the conditions to 3ed tier when she reaches level 350.

Grond (James)

Man!!! That was freaking unbelievable!!! Well done sir, well done indeed!!!

Grond (James)

Btw, I am guessing she lost her bracelet


You're probably right, but since it was a fey that did the talking (kind of), this was apparently the best course of action the two came up with. We don't really know anything about the fey but I personally think they were build up enough to be a plot-device in of itself by this point (which little guy kind of did multiple times in this ark).


You guys are getting really pushy about this fabled third class. Anyway great chapter! Have fun trying to top this arc author san.... Just kidding! Keep doing what you're doing!


Holly that was some darn good fighting! And the only a head part is clearly going to be a good joke later on memory wise. Thanks for the chapter


you mean necklace? her storage device? I'm pretty sure it's tied to her mana and can only be destroyed if she runs out. I'm not so sure about her bone armor, but if that's the price for fighting an Elemental I'm sure she won't mind.

Rip Woodham

Great chapters. Good to see Ilea getting some use out of her real regeneration capabilities too. ;-) But like Grond said above, don't see how she keeps her gear. I remember back when she was given her bone armor by Goliath, she asked what happens if a piece is gone entirely, and he said she'd have to find more of the bone somehow or be out of luck. Maybe you've already gone back and changed that or I'm misremembering, but if not should do so, that doesn't work with Ilea lol. Been thinking that for a while after several instances of her losing pieces completely. Even without that what about her bracelet, and doesn't she have another ring too? Not sure. Even her necklace, not sure how it could have survived. Hey, I don't want her to lose her stuff and I do want her to get reduced to a head, I just want it to make sense too.... somehow. :-p And wow, massive levels. I'm just going to pretend you have a complex formula and simply added or changed a variable after reconsideration to reach a different result. ;-) Interesting that for such a high level, it did not seem to have a correspondingly large toolkit, just massively stronger one. Still one class at almost 1500, maybe two? Shame too, it was so close to its 1500 evolution and was brought low by that shitty manipulation. Would like to know how that happened. Loved the Trakorov. Loved! Wonderful writing. That was a cool skill by Maro and I hope we see more like it. ... the bit about him pissing his pants and the warm feeling made me giggle.


Other people lose their heads, Ilea loses everything but her head.


Yeah, I also hope there's a reasonable explanation in the next chapter how she keeps her gear (or that some of it was destroyed, but that would be sad). The only good one I can come up with would be that she simply left all of her stuff behind somewhere for safe keeping. Maybe with Maro and the fae? Although that would be a little weird in the middle of the battle, especially without it being mentioned in these chapters. Honestly the best way would be to do a little edit on this chapter and add a sentence or two when she drops off Maro with the fae and mention that she decided to leave all of her storage items and the bone armor with the fae, maybe add a line of dialogue with her asking the fae to keep it safe for her before she flies off again. If she realized before the fight that there may be a danger of losing them, that would be more insight than Ilea usually shows for that kind of stuff. It would also be risky leaving them somewhere unguarded. Still, this would probably be the second best way to explain it. If she was wearing everything during that last bit, anything other than her losing everything besides her necklace perhaps, would just not make any sense. As a side note, I think the author needs to consider that Ilea has outgrown all gear at this point and figure out some way to give her the ability to store items within herself somehow (maybe a storage skill part of her eventual third class?) because otherwise future battles will keep getting the same problem over and over again.

Han Pol

That was superb and I'm very thankful for the third chapter Now I'm looking forward to the spoils, and if anything has happened to her storage items or amour. Personally I wouldn't mind if the bone amour is destroyed, after all perfects wins without sacrifice are kinda boring as well. I'm also looking forward if they at least Elfi and Ilea go a little deeper into the dungeon apparently there are still 5 layers to go.


Well ye, a third class, even if severely weaker than the main two, would be a huge gamechanger. It could either add to her current strengths (resilience and speed) or patch up some areas she is mediocre in (her offence is somewhat slow-going, as in it takes some time to end things that are resilient themselves). It could even be something crafting related, if the author wants to go there. It could be connected to her general skills and their 3rd tiers. The possibilities are endless and that's why a lot of people, including me, can't wait to see how the 3rd class mechanic is implemented.


Her neck was still there, so good chance her necklace survived. Her bracelet/ arm bangle is probably toast though. Necklace is ancient quality, bracelet wasn't. Plus even if it did somehow survive, shed have to go dig through a bunch of glassed sand to find it. After her body was melted and exploded though I'd say odds are good she lost that particular storage item.


In similar fights she's put her armor back in the necklace before going in


And no mention in any of these chaps of it getting damaged, so odds are its in her necklace atm.


"The elf who had held on to her hair was suddenly dragged down by the weight of her whole body, his robes melting and in flames as he rolled on the glass." Her body was reduced to ash, but not her hair?

Chad Hagner

What a great chapter! I can't wait to see what Ilea gets for her lvls in the next chapter!!!


Healing probably? Since she was healing her whole body before it got destroyed


That was a fucking epic fight, while she wasn't doing much dps, the flow of the battle was awesome!

Rip Woodham

But.... that's not how necklaces work lol. They go around the neck but they rest on the breastbone. If there's nothing below her neck it wouldn't stay on her neck. :-p ..... only in Azarinth Healer discussions. Edit: Oh, I think you meant if her neck survived the necklace might have too but not be there. Right, that's what you said, sorry.


I wonder how Claire will react when Cless paints this battle.


I would love it if she lost some gear and armor. Consequences for risks and all that

Dominic French

There has to be something good for defeating a creature 1000 levels higher than her or 4x her level doing this has to have an huge impact on her next evolution or even unlock third class

Grond (James)

If it unlocks a third class for her, wouldn't it also unlock one for everyone else who participated?

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. Would say the storage items as bound to her and get keep that way but the armour could be toast by now.


She just need to heal the Kaiju until he develops second tier Blood Manipulation, her friends can keep using their attacks on her so she can get some mana out of it and some resistences while she is at it, if she isn't 2tlvl20 already.

Eyes wide

Hope she still has her storage items


Imagine Cless painting the scene of an elf holding onto a bodyless Ilea....

Rip Woodham

I think this is easily the best fight scene written in the story so far. I was rereading and noticed this, maybe sand was meant instead of ashen: "He saw the ashen tendrils moving behind them, suddenly vanishing entirely, as if plucked from existence. He couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, coughing up more blood"


Sadly i dont think ill see the next post for a couple of months i have to binge read this story or i will go crazy <3


There's always taking a few minutes out of your binge time to read a new chapter or two.


Replace one corrupted calamity for another like we replaced the two chapter cliff with a three chapter cliff lol thanks?


Thank you so much for the triple chapter to avoid the cliff. Can’t wait for next chapter to see the increases and consequences of the fight (really hope at least the bracelet is gone). Hope we see this fight as part of an evolution at 350 maybe? Kin of Ash could get an upgrade involving Lava?

Zachary Smith

Awesome! It’d be cool if she had the England girl at ravenhall draw these monsters! And when she’s explaining these monster and fights to make figures out of ash! Thank you!

Tony Gilbert King

Those are her last 3rd tier skill points arent they i hope the next time she reaches that point she gets 3rd tier miscellaneous skill points

Rip Woodham

After seeing Ilea refer to the Trakorov as her "monster ally" I'd bet the farm she gets an evolution or third class option releated to monster ally after this, whenever they come up. If not a general skill right after this.


I think its interesting to note, that while anyone at her level would have all of their 3rd tier skill points, I doubt many would have all class skills at the 3rd tier like she is about to. I wonder if that will help with her getting general 3rd tier skills, I'm sure t will help with class evolutions.


There has been no hint in story of it effecting general skills but yes maxing out your skills as much as possible is supposed to effect how your class evolves. The dwarf-mecha guy she helped out said that not long after she came to the North for the 1st time and I think its been mentioned again a couple of other times.

Robert Mullins

We've also seen that in her class requirements.