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Hey all

Because I'm still unsure about the percentages in the skills I'll just poll you to see where you stand. Please leave a vote, even if you're unsure or don't really care.

None of this will change the story much, it's just to grasp what you prefer. The balance won't change but I'll continue to apply whatever is voted highest.

Questions or suggestions in the comments of course (I wont re balance or redo the whole system). Do keep in mind that this only applies to the skills initially having specific numbers in them. Thanks!

For specifics check out:

1.0.3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/27820938

1.0.2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26761330

You can chose multiple answers. As you know some are not to be taken seriously. I'll leave it to your discretion which ones those are.



Have you thought about making the numbers non-linear, it feels like theres not enough power creep from lvl 200 to 250, the more you go up the bigger the difference per level should be, same for skills.

Cyryl Chołodowski

I guess no shown numbers, or reduced numbers... or the numbers grow less with higher tier skills (initial gives 50% but upgrades increase by like 5-20%), or there is an explanation on how rare, and difficult to acquire are the skills with higher numbers. While higher numbers better explain the jumps in power offered by certain skills (it's hard to believe a character grew in power when they got 2 more %), it just creates stupid big numbers in the endgame.. though maybe we want stupid big numbers, punches that level mountains and all that. Somewhat grounded endgame: small numbers, or ones we can't see. Super mega uber duper saiyan endgame: leave the numbers as is.


bonus for chaning tier? Base level 30% growth per level 0.25 so by 20 you are on 35% Then you get 5% for getting to level 2nd 1 so now it is 40.25% You then get to 45% on 2nd 20. When you upgrade to 3rd 1 you get another 5% or 10%, so 55% or 60% on 3rd 20. (if 10% then she gets to 80% on 4th20, and 100% on 5th 1) She have noted how the resistances got noticibley stronger on 2nd 1 compared to 20.


I think we need some higher numbers to balance out the slowing power ups. Since leveling becomes harder and harder ( and im guess once she actually reaches the higher levels 300-400+, it will be even slower) to balances this we need strong skills wiht a good scaling


I think what kind of numbers you display is unimportant. I'd rather not see any numbers but have you describe what impact the skill grow has on combat. I also think Illea should be a lot better at facing enemies that out level here. When she first joined the hand, she had very basic resistances and relatively low skill levels still she was facing enemies who had a level advantage of 20%-40% . Her resistance training fails to make a splash, too. It might be that enemies at level 280 are 10 times stronger than enemies at 200-220, but if that's the case and you kind of believe that Illeas incredible growth since joining the hand allows here to fight enemies which are level adjusted two or three times stronger than her, you fail at translating it in the story. It just feels as if Illeas growth has not much impact. It's also very unclear how levels scale, we saw that after lvl 200 people have to grind hardcore, but it's difficult to understand how big the difference between lvl 250 and 300 normally is


Numbers are important as they give us a bit of an idea how strong she is. I really hate stories where strenght is not defined and fight are won just based on the whims of author and not by the skill of mc. Otherwise it doesnt matter if the numbers are large or small. You just have to adjust the rest of the world so that they make sense.


So new here, sorry if I'm stepping on toes or stateing something that has already been discussed. I kinda liked the initial numbers, given its strongly implied that the rest of the heavy hitters are very into min-maxing and Ilea has gone for a flatter stats profile the larger percentages kinda chimed with the fact that Ilea, level for level, can still out armwreastle the top echelons of melee DPS, out sustain the top ranks of mages, out manoeuvre the godliest of kites, and out last the most monstrous of direct tanks. At least that's my impression. I get people can get abit hung up on the accurate protrail and scaling of the numbers in universe, but it's more the feel of power that the numbers gave, which as explained above I do feel matches the prose, that is more important to me and the original numbers where the best for that. Sorry again if I'm rehashing old arguments though...

Alan McBrayer

People seem to be making a big deal about Ilea having problems quickly taking down a level 280 pure melee creature with armor designed specifically to defend against her style of attacks. Personally I really like how level isn’t everything when it comes to the challenge of monsters. She took out 4 winter sprites level 310-340 practically alone because her strengths were good against their weaknesses. The group of lvl 150 death spirits nearly took out her whole team. A mage with telekinesis would be able to slaughter the Knights with minimal difficulty. Just make it float and it's a sitting duck. The author could do more to explain these facts. Perhaps a few more asides from Ilea about why she personally is having problems.


either have big growth so it actually makes sense numbers wise in relation to the story statement(probably best would even be non linear growth, where higher grows more) or just no numbers if it was non linear somewhat smaller numbers(not as small as 1.03) would probably work too


I liked the high initial numbers for Azarinth because it gives you the feeling that Ilea really lucked out by finding a top-tier starter class. That and the the moss got her an accelerated start, and her reckless style keeps her growth going. I liked that that combination is what enabled the better Ash class, but even though the Ash class is good the raw initial buff numbers should still be worse than Azarinth. “Azarinth Healer” and it’s unreasonable healer/tanky/DPS combination should be the cornerstone of, well, Azarinth Healer :P


I like the high numbers and luck/planning that gave two classes that work together. Also we haven’t seen details of any other people stats so it’s unknown what they are being compared too.

Han Pol

I think she isn't supreme in any of that but that se is still pretty close to the top in most regards there. the pure tank was better defended than she was, but had a hard time hitting her or doing any damage. while the Firemage surly does more damage then Ilea in a singel hit but will not be able to evade her or take her out if she moves.