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Heyo all. New chapters are up. Let me know what you think :).

Thanks for reading and supporting my writing! I hope you have a great weekend.

No ETA for more chapters today but there's gonna be another update on Sunday hopefully.




The story has moved on since that point, but didn't Ilea just leave her favourite cook (Kayla) in Virilya without a second thought? For me that seems very unlike her.


thanks for the fix! That spirit of winter thingies were neat, liked em lot and elemental manipulation skills are OP!

Corwin Amber

thanks for the chapters

Han Pol

this was a bunch of good good chapters. Liked the elementals and if there is more of them it might be quite convenient to have a mountain with more of them close by. If Ilea can avoid being detracted by them she can kinda farm them relativly safe and given the avarage high we have seen for the people with power. Who were often in there late 240s it might be prudent for Ilea to get to at least that level before getting out of the human zone. 2 more 3tier skills might be what she needs to be strong enough.


Thanks for the chapters!

Alan McBrayer

I don't think she ever actually found the cook after the demon invasion.. She just assumed that the cook was in the capital.


Loved the Ash and Ember chapter; Ilea's giving off some serious Lovecraftian vibes with her ashen tentacles.


Thanks for the chapters. Fantastic as always. What's the chances of llea gaining a pet or spirit. She seems to be alone alot. She moves on from any hunan connection pretty fast.


I'm not sure about the permanent companion thing. Did that with Aki for a while and might get around to it again. We'll see.


Fare enough, I guess what I was getting at was she kills alot of cool beasties etc.. would be cool to raise one of the offspring she no doubt leaves behind. Anyways what do I know..lol. so awesome you've gone fulltime writing.. your totally doing what I'd love to do. Wish I'd paid better attention when I was I school.