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Hey all. I do hope you are doing alright :). New chapters are up and I hope you like them. Let me know what you think, specifically on the dialogue. I didn't like some of it when I reread.

Next ones Friday in a week. Have a good weekend everybody!



Btw, does ilya still have that cloak of the night?

Thaabit Rivertree

I thought the conversation between Ilea and Kyrian was well done actually


ilea's charisma saves the day once more


I liked the conversation with the cake; it's nice to see Ilea a little bit more light hearted again.

Corwin Amber

Thanks for the chapters


Nice seeing illia interacting with some other high level people. It's what I'm here for... And hopefully some monster mashing. Her last few fights against demons and humans feel disconnected and there's no weight to it. Looking forward to more adventures. :P


Thanks for the chapters!


Nah, that burnt up in the Taleen dungeon. I forgot about it at some point and didn't delete it from my item list so that's completely on me.


For me it fit. I just hope the shift isn't too unnatural and quick. I also don't want the next thousand pages to be her wallowing in self pity.


I think the issue was mostly just all of the encounters being a little too big. She was just one part of a big battle or it was a team fight. With so many abilities going around, her impact feels lacking. Thanks for the feedback and let me know what you think in future chapters!