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  • Re-Watch GLEE Season 1 101
  • Watch The Glee Project Season 2 241
  • Listen to a few podcasts about behind the scenes and then watch GLEE Season 1 50
  • I just wanted to click something 33
  • 2024-02-19
  • 425 votes
{'title': 'GLEE S1 or THE GLEE PROJECT S2', 'choices': [{'text': 'Re-Watch GLEE Season 1', 'votes': 101}, {'text': 'Watch The Glee Project Season 2', 'votes': 241}, {'text': 'Listen to a few podcasts about behind the scenes and then watch GLEE Season 1', 'votes': 50}, {'text': 'I just wanted to click something ', 'votes': 33}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 19, 19, 27, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 425}


With Season 1 of The Glee Project coming to an end, I want to see what we want to do NEXT?

*We will vote again after we do whatever you vote on. SO for instance if you choose to watch GLEE season 1, then we will vote at the end of season 1 if we want to continue or if we want to start The Glee Project Season 2 at that time.


Aj Fowler

firstttt !! 💜🫶🏼


Please start glee again. Can’t stand the glee project. Glee was what originally brought me here. Friends is what I am watching with you know. I really want you to start Glee over though. 😭😭

Steph Stephens

Game for the podcast or Glee Project season 2. The podcast is really good and has LOTS of inside info.


Personally my vote is to listen to the behind the scenes podcast and then start season 1 and 2 and then go back to TGP Season 2 (to introduce the new characters) then GLEE season 3

Audrey and Danny's Editor

The glee project is really short and season 2 is to get a character on season 4 of glee, so just finish the glee project and then restart glee with the podcast!!

Zach Davis

Get GP1, I’d love for you to pull the episode where the winner first appears and critique the performance


REWATCH GLEE😂 we miss everyone! I’m not getting emotionally attached to anyone from the Glee project 😂


kevin and jenna’s podcast? also i like this idea

Liv Heskett

I know you have David to help you but if you need any suggestions of good episodes I’d be happy to make you a list :)

heather Phillips

Is there any way we could listen to behind the scene podcasts for each episode as we rewatch Glee and then watch season 2 of the Glee Project before the winner comes onto Glee then continue with glee and the behind the scenes podcasts for each glee episode until we get all the way through Glee again ? If not I guess I will watch Glee over again with each corresponding behind the scenes Kevin and Jenna podcast 😉.

Sophie R

Restart glee - I really tried to get into the glee project but it just isn’t for me. Currently I’m watching friends with you and that’s nice but tbh until that started I was just hanging around until we start glee again. I’m so emotionally attached to the characters and I usually rewatch the show 3/4 times a year, I haven’t seen season 1 since you started, I’m trying to hold out for our rewatch 😂

Liv Heskett

I’m a little torn. Because I def wanna hear some podcast episodes and your reactions. But I also wanna watch GP2. I think the longer you take a break from glee the better because your brain will have time to get excited again. same with us. Like yes I wanna watch glee again. But the longer I wait the more excited I get. I also know that if you were to go back to glee project in the middle of re-watching glee, that it might disrupt the flow, especially since you only do one episode a week. And I know you have a history of forgetting things 😂 so switching gears in the middle of the series may mess up some continuity for you. Especially since it would be over a two months of a break between season 3-4

Liv Heskett

I think the podcast along with the episode would be great. Only if Audrey has the time though. They’re pretty short. But also I feel like the real tea comes from the interviews. So it’s gunna be interesting to see how she picks which ones and does them when.


TGP2, then a few behind the scenes podcasts + rewatching Glee. I think of we'd watch Glee 1-3 now and then go back to TGP2 (because they cast for 4 in that), it would be kind of strange to be pulled out of the weekly flow. And I personally don't think that enough time hast passed to be excited for Glee again already, but that's probably just me.


Since the people from TGP S1 don't appear on Glee until S3 I think it would have been better to do Glee S1 & 2 and then TGP S1 (and 2 after Glee S3). But since you already started on TGP I say do S2 of that and then Glee S1. Also if you can I suggest listening to each podcast after that particular episode.

Eliza Wilson

If it’s Kevin and Jenna’s podcast I’m more into the idea of - having the actual cast doing one rather than fans like I love that 😍 But also GP2

Jeanette Dawe

Season 2 of the glee project is really good from what I remember. I am excited to see your reactions to that one.


The second option then the third option

Sabrina Louis

I really hope you do The Glee Project season 2 next! The contestants, in my opinion, are way better (with the execption of Alex and Lindsay of course) and it's short. It'll go by quickly and then we can all be excited to rewatch Glee all over again.


Totally agree! I miss the weekly glee episodes 🙈

heather Phillips

For those of you who watch Glee and or TGP. If you are not watching Once Upon a Time , give it a try .as I found out in one of the chats here Jennifer Morrison who stars on OUAT ( no relation to Matt) was instrumental in getting the idea of Glee into the hands of the creators . Jennifer is credited as one of the executive producers in season 1 of Glee . There is no music except for one episode but it is a really great show . For those of you who watch LOST or Buffy you will recognize many a name in both the behind the scenes and on screen talent , 😊Audrey is now a hooked Oncer as well as a Gleek ! 😉


Same! I really care for the glee project . Maybe just watch the one with Naya! lol


I love glee anything🤣

Jay Johnston

I think since you already started TGP S1 you should do S2 next. TGP S1 are the ones that come in in Glee S3 and TGP S2 comes in for S4. I really like the idea of alternating the Glee episodes and Kevin and Jenna's podcast though. Like watch the episode of Glee and then the podcast episode that corresponds with it

Megan Christina

I hate podcasts so I voted for Glee season 1, but truthfully I think glee seasons 1 and 2, THEN glee project season 2

Lydia Shepard

Honestly as much as I love season 1 I think season 2 is better as I believe that they chose some people who people who are better than some of the ones in season 1. Also in season 2 they have more to do as they pick thier solos for the HW assignment unlike season 1 where they are assinged the solos. I think it would be interesting to see the two back to back too to determine which cast you like more.


Literally same I thought about restarting it a couple of days ago but then thought no I’ll just wait for Audrey😅 Glad we have friends for now cause Glee Project isn’t for me either 🙈🙈

Anne Marie

I voted for season 2 of TGP2, but like the idea of alternating between the Kevin & Jenna podcast and the seasons of Glee.


Have you ever thought of reacting to the Glee Biography episode? It’s called Glee: Keep on Believing, I believe it was made during season 3, but it’s a fun watch! I voted for TGP season 2 though.


Whatever you want to do is fine with me.

simon davis

You have to do season 2 of the glee project OMG the drama in that one is great the cast also the eliminations are shocking