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I'm already biased enough about her daughter, this MILF is certainly in my top tier.

I am suprised that she somehow won the poll to my suprise, not like I'm complaining about getting to do a underappreciated character.




"I'm already biased enough about her daughter" YOU'RE biased? Misaka is my favorite girl out of all anime ever. Not to mention, I can and will always say there's never enough material on her. And I have at least 5 games, 15 videos, 30 cg sets & comics and nearly 3-digits worth of images & animations of her saved up. Hell, I'd constantly commission stuff of her from everyone if I had the money. xD


Well I'd say me spending like 150+ bucks on a figure of her and tracking down the only figma of her that's an absolute pain to aquire makes me pretty biased, but appreciate a fellow man of culture.