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I’ve been trying to think of fun ways to connect and interact with members on a weekly basis. Vote in the comments what idea(s) you like and also comment if you have an idea of your own. Your help is much appreciated :)

1. Members comment a concept either nsfw or sfw for me to riff on improv style in a short 2-5 min audio. For example: workout motivation speech. Or some strange creature like a dragon being horny 😂 . I would pick my favorites and do a few of them.

2. Sleep aid audio (SFW, just me rambling soothingly)

3. Members post a sentace or 2 for me to act out every week and I’ll do all of them. Could be funny or sexy.

4. Wank with me audio. I pick a porn video for us to watch together (not live) and I chit chat, stream of consciousness until I cum.

5. A weekly narrative story that I will write and record that unfolds over the course of a year, so 52 episodes. Some kind of sci-fi, historical, or fantasy concept that really digs into plot and characters. Maybe 1,200 words a week or so.


Kris D

Great ideas 🤩 I love #2 and #4 😻

Alec Tanner

Like #1 and #5, love love love #4