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You and Rose are humanoid aliens from Orion. Your applications for the Earth Tourism Program were accepted by the powers that be, and now, you are on your first Planet Earth Road Trip!

Travelling from one destination to another is easy, as you are in a bus-sized rental craft called the Earth Voyager. The E.V. contains all the amenities needed to make your journey comfortable. The E.V. is capable of flying and can also go on the road, making your travels even more convenient!

In this audio, you are flying the craft as Rose sits beside you, fiddles with the controls, snacks, and chats with you about the differences between Earth and your home.

📖 Rose reads the names that were submitted at ~23:45 💖

This story takes place on an alternate Earth, in the year 2023. *Most* of Earth's landmarks, geographical features, and tourist attractions are the same. The only difference is that the alternate Earth has humanoid tourists from exoplanets that have not yet been discovered on "this" Earth, and there is limited trade and communication happening between our governments and other planets. All tourists visiting Earth are strictly vetted.

Just for fun: 

How It’s Made: Pringles!


(Why are Earth snacks so delicious??)



Arexus Galia

The ending got a bit meta, hahaha. Looks like a lot of great places got added in the "Places I wanna visit someday" list. Travelguide Cadence definitely sold me on "Giant's Causeway"

Joseph Asscrack's ASSMR

The second mention of Joseph's Jolly something, do I smell an endorsement? (Also the video link may be broken for some people, here's an alternative https://youtu.be/44sbePzCCw8?si=9xEnMNm_dszSyh2O )


Joseph's Jolly Adventures, and Jolly Joseph's Jiggly Jelly Shop, are both owned by the same Big Boss!! Travellers are highly encouraged to visit those attractions as they will have much fun and find it a real treat! Thank you for the new link 💖