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~Two Aliens on a Road Trip (Earth Edition)~


This story takes place on an alternate Earth, in the year 2023. *Most* of Earth's landmarks, geographical features, and tourist attractions are the same. The only difference is that the alternate Earth has humanoid tourists from exoplanets that have not yet been discovered on "this" Earth, and there is limited trade and communication happening between our governments and other planets. All tourists visiting Earth are strictly vetted. 

Audio details: 

You and your girlfriend, Rose, are human-looking tourists from Orion. You and Rose are travelling from one place to another in a bus-sized advanced craft called the Earth Voyager. This craft contains all the necessary amenities to make travel comfortable. 

The entire audio takes place inside the Earth Voyager. You are driving the craft, and Rose is sitting beside you, fiddling with the controls, snacking, and chatting. You are having light-hearted conversation about your relationship, human peculiarities, unearthly customs, the places you've already visited, and your next travel stops on Earth.  

Audio includes: interior travel craft sounds, relaxing music. 

Idea submissions (submit ideas for ONE OR MORE of the following):

- Your real name can be said by Rose in this audio, as she mentions street names, names of shows, fictional places, etc. If you wish for her to say your name, submit your first name, along with its phonetic pronunciation. Example: Cadence [KAY-DINS]. All names submitted will be included

- Your favourite place or attraction may be mentioned by Rose. Please provide the name of the geographical site/landmark/eatery/attraction, along with a website link if possible

- What does Rose find strange about humans and human customs?

- What might life be like back home for them? 

- Plans for the future?

- Further details about the Earth Voyager, and the Earth Tourism Program 

    Form closes: 17th November, 2023
    I will use as many ideas as I reasonably can in the final audio 

Infinite love and a peaceful night to you ๐ŸŒœ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜ด!!!




Phil's Enjoyment

Ok, now I can't help but wonder: Did you share this particular brainstorm theme because of your recent travels? Lol

Arexus Galia

This feels like a diabolical plot for you to gather as much intel on tourist destinations you can travel to in the future XD If so, I am obliged to divulge as much touristy information I know


Cadence is filled with diabolical plots. But is she always found out? Noooo. Does this motivate her to create more plots? Yeees ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜