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You have just arrived outside the forest cabin of two of your best friends. 

On tonight’s agenda: 

✅ Promote Moonstruck Munchies’ Lunar Pizza, along with the new Penny and Nickel werewolf merch!

✅ Get tipsy and eat all five, large Lunar Pizzas!

✅ Pass out in good company!




Phil's Enjoyment

Hmmm.........Nickel got a secret crush on the listener??? Or could both sisters have some special feels for their human friend??? Sounds like the makings of a sequel lol

Arexus Galia

Pizza? Werewolves! Merchandise with werewolf puns?! Gosh I'm loving this already. And man, Penny and Nickel are such loveable characters, would love to have a sequel for this! My name is Arexus Galia, and this is my favorite pizza place in the citadel. P.S.: Nuts, now I am once again in a mood for pizza. Must... resist. Must... curb... carb... intake!


Yes she does; it's the "but he's my childhood friend and if I say it out loud it would make things weird, so imma keep it quiet " sort xD ...but things definitely come out when people are drunk 😏


Arexus Galia is welcome any time to have pizza with the sisters!!! Spinach dip last time, what will it be next time? mmmmMm *drool*