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Hello friends! 💕💕💕

Two short notices about bugs before the brainstorm and Q&As:

1. Patreon support has sent me a reply about the poll bug on the app. They said they were able to replicate the bug on their end (on Android) that's been happening with the poll for the past few months (where you can only select one poll option initially, and you have to refresh the post on the app to select more options). iOS is seemingly not affected. No estimated fix date. They didn't say anything about replies or posts occasionally not displaying correctly in the app.

2. Patreon messages are bugged. I am now only sometimes getting notifications for messages, and display pictures of active patrons disappear in the message interface randomly (see screenshot). Sometimes I need to open the chat itself to see your new message. If you have Tier III rewards and haven't received an email notification, please open your messages to check if I've sent you reward links!

OK! Onto the brainstorm for this month's Patreon exclusive:

Select between 3-5 answers (in bold) below and use them as inspiration for your submitted outline. The links you establish between your idea submission and the answers can be loose, e.g., I mentioned a Transformers character but you can have an audio outline based on a potato-loving, semi-mechanical being who plays in a space band.

Some of the answers I've given are true, while others are not.

You can choose to provide additional details about setting, character relationships and backgrounds, conflicts and/or resolutions, and sound effects.

Submit up to 2 ideas (label them 1. and 2.)

Form closes: 15th September, 2023

>>>CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT IDEAS (read through Q&A first)<<<

🎈Arexus Galia

1. If you had to subsist on 1 food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Potatoes. Big ones, small ones, round ones, misshapen ones, flat ones, long ones *does the wriggly potato dance*

2. What do you think happens to a person after they are *dramatic beat* unalived?

Their consciousness travels to a room that contains a computer. Based on a set of arbitrary criteria, the person is assigned a number of points for "completing the game of life." They are then asked by the computer to select a new life to enter. They can purchase attributes of this new life with the points they have (e.g., be good looking - cost: 25 points, excellent romantic partner - cost: 100 points). Those with a higher point balance to begin with will be at an advantage.

3. If you were to be isekai'd into a world where you are born as an evil and powerful overlord, what are some petty laws you would like to implement?

-Between 7am-7pm, every hour, on the hour, all physically able citizens must face the direction of my castle, throw their hands in the air, stomp their feet, and chant, “Evil Cadence! Evil Cadence! Glory to Her name!”

-Every Monday, the right shoe must be worn on the left foot and the left shoe on the right foot

4. Alas, the cereal you were eating was cursed, and for the next 3600 days, everytime you hear a word ending with "-ology" (eg. Apology, astrology, soteriology), you will transform into a giant, menacing, and blood thirsty.... goose. What measures will you take (if any) to protect those around you?

I would not take any measures - let it be survival of the fittest!

5. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

π x 6.398 mph

🎈CJ Marshall

1: What’s your favorite season and why?

Spring, because colourful flowers tickle my photoreceptor cells!

2: Would you rather travel anywhere in space or anywhen in time?

Anywhere in space! The easier and faster the travel, the better.

3: Do you recognize the bodies in the water?

No! No! (run the other way)

4: If you were to one day spontaneously grow an extra limb, what would you want it to be and where on your body would you like it?

A large, retractable flipper for swimming purposes

5: Does the Black Moon howl?

Sometimes. Right now, it watches and waits for a crucial weakness…

🎈Nicholas Lee Cooper

1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Life transfer. Transfer any given length (time in days, months, years) of life from anyone to anyone else, but I must be touching both people at the same time.

2. Is there a fictional world you think would be nice to live in?

Rivendell, from Lord of the Rings

3. Do you have any favorite characters from any books, tv shows, anime, etc.?

Selene from Underworld, Optimus Prime from Transformers, Sazed from Mistborn

4. What is your favorite series? Be it books, anime, cartoons, etc.

Fate Series (TYPE-MOON)

5. What kind of music do you like? Do you have a favorite song?

Space Metal in general:



1) Choice of weapon?

Pew Pew laser guns!

2) Favorite mythical creature? (kitsune, dragon, dullahan, or whatever)


3) Choice of element or power?

Earth - the ability to earthbend

4) Want true love or to be alone?

I want mawage, that blessed awangement, that dweam wifin a dweam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bY0fdgpISc

5) In the back of every mind, there is a place that is unique to that individual, be it real or an imaginary place. What is this place like? Its environment? (This was sort of inspired by Bleach, like the Soul Reaper's inner world where his Zanpakuto resides)

There’s a clear, clear lake in the middle of a verdant forest. It’s so clear that you can see everything beneath the water. In the middle of the lake is an island, and on the island is a gigantic, old tree. The tree grows golden fruits every summer.


1. How would you respond to someone speaking loudly in a quiet library?

Speak louder than them to assert dominance, then catch their eye and do this eyebrow thing:


2. Are you actually a real Kitsune and are just pretending to be a human?!

Why do you think I never show my earrrss (❁´◡`❁)

3. Are you bilingual in other languages?

English is my first language but I can speak nonsense, blorbly worbly, and alienese

4. What is your dream place to vacation to?


5. What is one thing you wish everyone knew about you?

That I like pineapple pizza! (don't report me to the authorities please)

🎈Joseph Asscrack's ASSMR

- What was the best gift you were ever given, either for birthdays, Christmas, or any other time?

A genie in a jar (not a lamp, but a Woolies strawberry jam jar)!

- If you wanted to break up with someone only using three emojis, and you really, really didn't care about their feelings, what would you use? (note: my favorite would be ☢️☣️🆘)


- What was the funniest name for a knockoff bootleg child's toy you saw? (note: kinda like https://i.redd.it/m61d7p32fdoy.jpg)


- What was the dumbest misconception about the world you had as a child? (note: I thought Americans were so stupid that they called left 'right' and right 'left' 😂)

That all the pieces of land (like all the continents) were joined together and that is how people would get from one country to another

- Oh no! Your criminal enterprise selling ASSMRtist bath-water scented candles has been destroyed in a devastating, but oddly tingly explosion! To avoid suspicion from the authorities, how would you best launder the $1.5 MIL in cash you made?

Hey guys, who wants to help me buy some real estate? :3


Arexus Galia

"Sees answer to my question 1" My Brain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihMMw0rnKz4 But seriously, potatoes are awesome! It's like magic how you can add just a bit of salt, pepper, and a little bit of butter and it instantly becomes delicious! And the many, many ways in which you can prepare them, not to mention how it could go in almost any dish makes them... awesome! Even made a poem about them back then, hahahaha! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vugYuwh_DktxRSa8_CK3lPCdO4pbl3-6WMDE-EcjP6I/edit?usp=sharing P.S.: Dang, now I have got to rewatch the Princess Bride again


Whaaaat there's a potato song?!! I've been living under a rock for the past thousand years 😱! Potatoes are very magical (I had some tonight, in a stir fry). I love the poem you made and agree with all the points it pointed to 💯💯💯💯💯