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Get ready to go on a holiday!

Your drider fiancée has just been promoted to the position of CEO at FunnyHoney, and decides to use her pay raise to book a very special getaway, high up on a mountainside. 

As night begins to fall, you snuggle together on a heap of cushions and pillows in front of the fireplace, and take in the scenery. 

After a while, you hint at having doubts about yourself due to the disparity between your statuses. However, your drider fiancée assures you that it does not matter to her, and that she loves you for you.

To help you relax, she uses her limbs to tap on the wooden walls of the cabin, and on a metal panel in front of the fireplace. As your reminisce about how you met, your eyes begin to close…


Link: ~When Cadence's stomach decides to join in while recording audio~ 




Arexus Galia

Man, that opening joke made me smile ear to ear, haha!


Imagine if they had little sports cars for spoders to drive 🥰 (would they be great drivers because they have more limbs to work the controls) :V

Arexus Galia

I think I remember reading that spiders have bad eyesight (ironic despite them having multiple eyes), so maybe giving them smol lil vehicles might not be the most responsible thing to do, unless they get cute little spider glasses to help them see.


Oo I did not know this about spiders and their eyesight! hear me out hear me out...BUMPER CARS FOR SPIDERS