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Hello wonderful people 🌞

Here is this month's audio poll, based on the results collected from the five elements in the flash polls. 

Happy voting! Multi-vote enabled - you can choose more than one option 💖

[A] Deep Space Lovers on a Simulation Deck

You and Major Sarah Saturnburgh are deep space colonists who were prematurely woken from cryosleep after the ship’s original crew were taken by space vampirates. You are currently who-knows-how-much-distance away from any suitable Earth-like planet

Tonight you are on the ship’s hard-light simulation deck, chatting and playing with the simulation deck’s settings. You cycle through a variety of simulations: a library, a slime cavern, a cafĂ© with a typewriter, a grassy meadow, a medieval tower, and a cat lord shrine
You chat about the strange things you have encountered in space, and eventually, agree on a simulated setting: a calm, breezy sky-world, with what seems like the universe’s most comfortable hammock. You snuggle up together on the hammock and go to sleep. 

*Spaceship ambience, electronic interaction, giddy whispering, rustling, simulated sounds. 

[B] Giant Fairy Barista Fiancée Comforts You After a Bad Day

Lioran is a giant fairy (she is the size of a regular human) who thinks you are the absolute best! You were childhood friends, who were reunited after years apart. Now, you are engaged to be married! She owns her own coffee shop and is an expert at making coffee. 

Today, you have come home early. You work in legal, and explain that you are dealing with a difficult case. Lioran comforts you and helps you relax by brewing you a special cup of decaf, as more caffeine wouldn’t be a good idea right now! She cuddles with you then shows you an exciting new idea she is working on. Afterwards, she helps you organise your papers and gives you a scalp massage. You then rest your head in your lap and fall blissfully asleep

[C] Drider FiancĂ©e Takes You on a Cosy Cottage Vacay 

Your drider fiancĂ©e is the CEO of the brand FunnyHoney. She has received a substantial pay raise after exposing a case of embezzlement within the company, and wants to take you on a very luxurious and cosy holiday at a beautiful cottage. You used to work at a local bookstore that she frequented, and weren’t aware of her position at the time. You were friendly and open with her in a genuine way, and she fell head over heels for you!

During the holiday, you hint at doubting yourself due to the disparity between you, and she reassures you, saying that it doesn't matter to her. She then uses her limbs to tap on various wood and metal objects. You then decide to climb into the very comfy bed and rest up before tomorrow's adventures!

[D] Human Lover x Orc Listener (Soldiers)

Denise is a human who signed up as a soldier in the army of the Bright Lord (Glory to her name!). During her service, she became infatuated with you, an orc. As you enjoyed each other’s company, you grew very close during the course of your long service. Tonight, you are stationed in the recently conquered city of Aiz. Denise brings you a hot drink atop the watchtower, and you chat about your recent conquest and play ‘I Spy’ to stay awake. 

After your post is relieved, you go down to the barracks. You take time to groom each other, removing ticks and cleaning each other’s ears. Afterwards, you whisper sweet nothings, then talk about your plans of getting a homestead together after you are discharged. 

*Nature sounds, sounds of burning torches, boiling water, thrumming of fingers on wood, hair play, ear brushing, whispers

[E] Forest Nymph Wife Celebrates Your First Wedding Anniversary

You have been married to the forest nymph Hazel for exactly a year. However, for the most part, it has been a long-distance relationship as you were away fighting a war, defending the lands of purity from an army of blights. 

The war has finally ended, with your side being victorious, and now you have returned to you and your wife’s home – just in time for your first wedding anniversary! The home is a large, enchanted grove with a river running through it. She has prepared you a fresh meal, and plenty of surprises. After you finish dining, you jump in the river to bathe together and renew your vows! 


Arexus Galia

Just a PSA that, if you're on mobile and you want to vote more that 1 option, refresh the app before every new vote.


So many good ideas out of this brainstorm :D Honestly I cannot wait for whichever one gets done-!


Thank you Arexus đŸ™đŸ»đŸ’›đŸ’›!! I've already sent a list of bugs encountered to the Patreon support people (who I assume will forward to the program people)...hopefully to be fixed sooner rather than later in subsequent updates :V