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Hellooo audio family ☆✲゚。(((´♡‿♡`+)))。゚✲☆

The third flash poll is below. It is open for 24 hours~

Choose one - this will be for the type of relationship between the listener and speaker in the audio!

The final audio can potentially fall into more than one category, depending on what is submitted once the Google form opens.


-the speaker and listener could be workmates who are also married.

-the speaker is a tulpa the listener created and they are ride-or-die friends

Direct link to this post in case Patreon is still redirecting the page elsewhere: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87177311

Have a wonderful day everyone x



Arexus Galia

Okay. So the bug happened again, being redirected to the membership page. Neither refreshing nor restarting the app fixed it. Though I was able to access it almost an hour after its was posted. So.... guess it was a matter of... time? Pix plis Patreon