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Your dragon-lady partner Amelia is the owner of the biggest cattle ranch in Badwater Basin, and a social media influencer. 

You are the owner of a popular clothing boutique that you inherited from your grandfather. 

You are visiting her and her family for the weekend, and are currently sitting by the fire pit, while her family enjoys games and dances not too far away. 

The warmth of the fire is relaxing and the music on the radio lifts your spirits, and Amelia asks you to sit on her lap for cuddles (and the occasional kisses)!

You reminisce on the circumstances of your meeting, and talk about how bad situations can be blessings in disguise. 

Amelia then asks you what plans you have for the future, and you present her with a very special and expensive surprise…! 


I put this audio into the poll knowing full well it would likely win, and that I would find the accent challenging - many times I would regress back into my NZ accent because my brain would get so confused, then I’d stand in front of the mic and chortle at myself xD. There were so many retakes and in the check throughs I flagged 20+ different lines that sounded either British or Australian or general American and snipped them out. 

Alas, Cadence resorted to walking around the house talking to herself in this fantasy-storyworld-southern-accent for days to train herself, and now she can’t stop - even her internal dialogue is like that >w< please send help >:0

(iirc two people messaged me in the past to ask if I could do a Southern character and I said no - I don’t know if they’re still on Patreon as it was pre-2023, but this accent or something similar can now be used for future characters in brainstorm suggestions. I know it’s not perfect, but…aaahhmm workin’ on it)!





CJ Marshall

The “Slap my ass and call me Sally” line made me spit out my drink!

Joseph Asscrack's ASSMR

Thanks for letting me drive you temporarily insane for a few days, you've done a marvelous job with my idea, and your various 'Southernisms' fit like a glove! If you want, I'll work on something with a New-Zealand bent to help you get back to normal, lol!


Dragon Girl Supremacy wins once again 🙏


That line was put in as a nod to Joseph Asscrack's ASSMR, who created this character and audio outline ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)! 💗


Thank you for another fantastic and fun idea - I had a blast with this story and character!!! I'm much better today, and think it will wear off soon - I could always put this video on loop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdVHZwI8pcA (P.S. Cadence is flattered you said her insanity is only temporary ( ◞・౪・) - it's kinda permanent and has been for as long as she can remember, but let's keep that between us...)

Arexus Galia

Well, I'd reckon that you constant practice of your southern accent is paying dividends. Another tool added to your voice acting reportoire! :D I wonder what accent you'll practice next? Would love to hear one of your characters speaking in a Spanish or Russian accent.


Yes indeedy! And I think they have the replies fixed. The bugs appearing all whack-a-mole, like 😅