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Two alien sisters rescue an injured human who is being hunted by malicious beings.

The aliens are of a race known as the genesis wardens, and they are medical officers. One speaks in English, while the other talks only in Gesarian.

The sisters are benevolent and gentle, and many procedures are performed: the human’s body is stabilised with a quantum resonance chamber, a blood transfusion is given, tracking implants are removed with the beep boop machine, special nanobot gel is applied, and the human’s missing memories are restored.




Arexus Galia

Oh wow, the beep boop machine managed to get in, hahaha. And you were able to integrate it well, hehe. Also, curious how you came up with the different Gesarian words?


I can't believe I've never heard of this before but I just watched the video and SCREAMED when they dried the baby 😂😂😂 - I will ask Arexus, he submitted the idea ;o


The beep boop machine is too special not to include :D The Gesarian sentences are just random syllables - I think about what Onyx wants to communicate then sit and sound things out with my mouth and type them onto the document :3. I try to keep it relatively consistent sounding throughout (like no x, no guttural sounds, vowel heavy, etc) P.S. Joseph wants to know if beep boop machine is related to the "machine that goes PING"