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Hello beautiful people! 

The poll options for this month are here. Valkori was the most popular pick (nearly all the submissions were Valkori) - three are in the poll options! 

You can vote for more than one 💛

Have a brilliant week  🍕ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ💞

[A] Tiefling Actress Valkori x Escapee Listener

You are being pursued by assassins employed by the Mad Emperor Chitus. The chase ends in an abandoned theatre, where the highly-dangerous vampire Valkori declares to your attackers that she will take you for herself. She then fends them off with seemingly spoopy powers, and appears to drain you of blood, leaving you lifeless. Once the assassins are convinced you are dead, they leave, and Valkori takes you backstage. The façade drops – it was all an act – Valkori is actually a tiefling actress who adopted all the exaggerated mannerisms that came with her role, and the spoopy abilities were a combination of smoke and mirrors, and stage magic. Your assassins will now report to the emperor that you are dead. You, Valkori, and the rest of the theatre troupe find a few bottles of strong alcohol and a private place in the theatre to reminisce, and make plans for what you will do in the future. 

[B] Sultry Panther Lady Boss Kaitlyn x Romantic Interest

You work under Kaitlyn as one of her top spies, keeping tabs on enemy movements and sowing seeds of unrest amongst those who oppose her family’s rule. Kaitlyn is the owner of a “fantasy nightclub for the wealthy,” and this is where she meets useful contacts and keeps tabs on what is happening in the city. You have been working for Kaitlyn for a year, and unknown to her, you are a double agent. You like the challenge, but lately your romantic feelings for Kaitlyn have grown and you can also tell that she genuinely cares about you. It is possibly the most stupid decision you have ever made, but you decide to risk your life by coming clean, telling her that you have been working for one of her family’s strongest enemies at the same time… She is shocked, then angry, but you firmly state that you have finally found someone you want to dedicate your heart and soul to, and that you risking everything by telling her is proof. It is now up to her to decide your fate.

[C] Vampire Countess Valkori x Mutant Servant

You encounter the Lady Valkori while she is on one of her midnight strolls around the county. Noticing her wealth, you ask for either alms or for work. Valkori takes pity on you, and accepts you as her servant. 

Months later, as Valkori and her retinue returns from the capital, a group from the Warders of the Dark block her path. They demand that she hands you over so they can burn you at the stake, as they must cleanse the world of mutants. Valkori deals with them, and this is when you discover that she is a vampire. However, the sudden disappearance of several Warders does not go unnoticed, and the Order sends more. Valkori is warned beforehand but is grievously wounded in the process of fleeing the new Warders, and the only way she can heal is by sucking in fresh blood. You eagerly offer yours, but she is unsure whether she can control herself if she takes your blood...

[D] Verna the Chibi Lamia Celebrates Her Adoption Day (You Adopted Her)

Verna is a chibi lamia who lives in a big people world. She was sleeping in a giant lamp you purchased from an antique store. You were excited, thinking you had bought a genie, but it was not a genie at all. It was a chibi lamia who couldn’t grant wishes. For some reason this was also exciting, and you decided to adopt her after finding out that she had no family. 

A year passes. You and Verna have a very busy day, as it is both her adoption anniversary and the day when it is your town’s turn to offer sacrifices to the fat viper god. You have a disagreement about whether or not you should just poison the viper god to get rid of him, and she complains about how you are too kind hearted. You make it up to her by giving her a gift – a pet snake that looks almost exactly like her! 

[E] Meeting Valkori, Your Vampire Guardian!

You have recently uncovered your treacherous uncle’s plot to murder your family so he can “take what’s rightfully his.” Unfortunately you were too late to save your family, and are now following the guidance your mother left you in a letter. The letter instructs you to enter the mausoleum with the keys provided, and use your blood to unlock a coffin within it. You do so, and the Duchess of Death rises, and recognises you as the heir of House Whitley. You explain the situation to her, tell her what year it is, and she tells you why she has been sleeping for so long. Suddenly, your uncle and his men pour into the mausoleum. Valkori smiles dangerously and thanks you for bringing her "good morning meal." Afterwards, she takes you back to the Whitley mansion, and you find that it has been ransacked. Your family's death starts to really sink in. You are distressed and begin to panic, and she bites you, her fangs producing a venom to calm your nerves. She then lays your head on her lap, and tells you it is now time to rest, and the time to mourn will come later. She strokes your hair as you fall asleep. 


Arexus Galia

The Cadence google form hivemind continues to unite us all. All shall be one!

CJ Marshall

For the vampire guardian, I was slightly inspired by Anime Hellsing Ultimate, in which something similar happened.


🧠Is individuality is an illusion? Are we all inherently connected and ONE with the UNIVERSAL THOUGHT SOUP 🐳😍