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Howdy, friends! ₍⑅ᐢ‸  ̫  ‸ᐢ₎ɞ

Thank you for your wondertastic, awesomelicious ideas :D

Here are this month's options (you can vote for more than one):

[A] Dorky Eldritch Girl Roommate x Listener

A dorky eldritch girl rolls a 1 on a saving throw while playing Cities and Humans. Her magic dice transport her far away from her otherworldly brethren, and into your cupboard! You are a video game fanatic, who never would have expected to meet a real life eldritch girl. She adores playing video games and board games, and is a recluse. She’s a mix of timid and a little bit abrasive, but over time begins to really appreciate you, finding your presence calming. She can be competitive and aggressive around others, but never with you. The neighbours have become curious about the strange noises she makes, but you have done your best to quell suspicions. The audio ends with big ol’ tentacle hugs! 

[B] Minotaur Heroine x Listener

A minotaur from a well-known party of heroes has been warped to Earth by members of the Cult of the Necromancer. This warp portal opens right in the middle of your apartment just as you arrive home. This startles you both, but as the minotaur gradually becomes aware that she is no longer in her own world, she confides in you and explains her situation, all the while relieving your fridge of all its contents. You take her to the grocery store to restock and talk about how you desire to return with her to her world and help her on her quests, while trying to keep her from eating the food straight off the store’s shelves. 

[C] Fire Feline Maria x Café Owner 

The Supreme Solar Reina “Maria ‘The Maniac’ Firewhiskers,” the strongest pyromancer of her time, has gone on a power-hungry rampage. However, she is outmaneuvered by five heroes, one of which is you. She is then banished to Earth, a place where she can no longer use her magic. Months later, you spot Maria scrounging for food in the trash. You take pity on her, and allow her to stay with you. At the same time, you don’t want her to just eat, sleep, and play video games, so you give her a job at your café. She dislikes it and calls it “servant work,” and it sparks in her a newfound drive to become a gaming champion. She succeeds, and becomes a famous Twitch streamer, her competitive nature and quick reflexes giving her an edge over others. 

[D] Half-Orc Barbarian Queen Hyrri & Listener Go to a Convention

You met the half-orc barbarian queen Hyrri six months ago. Her sudden displacement by a cult of fortune-worshiping warlocks had transported her to Earth. On that same night, she had saved you from a group of thugs, who were looking to rob you. You were left traumatised by the situation and Hyrri moved into your apartment to look after you, eventually becoming your most trusted friend. 

*Six months later:* You and Hyrri attend a convention, and many things happen - is it a date, or just friends hanging out?? You get your pictures taken together, Hyrri tries ramen for the first time, you introduce her to the wonders of cute stuffed animals, and even see !MAOUSE!, a band you enjoy. Suddenly, Hyrri notices something suspicious: someone at the convention is carrying a demon-possessed sword…! 

[E] Tsundere Kitsune Princess Roommate Takes Care of You While You Are Sick

Prior to meeting you, Princess Harukawa had never worked a day in her life. She basked in the luxury that was her birthright, until the day her kingdom was attacked, and she was stripped of her nobility and thrown into a well. Little did they know that the well was a portal to your world… You came home from work one day, to find the princess in your living room. After she learned about her situation, she swallowed her pride for the first time in her life and asked to stay with you. Much to her dismay, you told her she had to work for it. 

Audio starts: Princess Harukawa returns to your apartment after buying you medicine and soup. She complains about how difficult it is to keep her tails hidden, and how noisy the world is, and you have to stop her from putting a metal can of soup in the microwave. However, she insists on spoon-feeding you the soup and medicine. Later, she begrudgingly admits that you are helping her change for the better. She then lights some incense, and hums you to sleep, telling you to get better soon.



I'm just annoyed that the prompt inspired me, but I'm so busy at school that I never have time anymore to write ideas.

Arexus Galia

Oh boy! So many good ideas this month. Though it seems that the Tsundere (ex) Princess has grabbed the most affection! And I find it highly hilarious that we have not 1, but 2 disgraced noble furry monster ladies who has to learn how to actually work haha.


That's alright! You can always submit a very brief one (only if you have time). All the best for your studies ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧📚


There was actually another, different submission that involved a disgraced character cast from her realm and she can no longer use magic. Last month, multiple people submitted rescue-themed outlines. Are y'all connected to the WorldofCadence Google Form hive mind or something?!! Are we slowly all becoming one SuperBeing (灬╹ω╹灬) xDD