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Hello, hello beautiful lovelies (^з^)-☆❤, and thank you for the wonderful submissions this month. 

~ The most popular character chosen from the prompt list is the elven knight

~ The least popular is the water elemental dragon and the ex-wife 

~ The most popular plotline involves some kind of rescue 

~ The longest submission contains 972 words

Multi-vote is enabled, meaning you can vote for more than one title 💞!

[A] Aerial Elven Knight Alrandia x Dwarven Line Trooper, Grimnir Stoutheart 

You and the rest of your unit are trying to reach the nearest friendly fortress 100km away when you are ambushed by a swarm of giant, flying bats. Your team’s musket shots are heard by Alrandia, an aerial knight, who rushes to the scene on her pegasus. By the time she gets to you, you are the only one left alive. Nevertheless, Alrandia charges the giant bats, killing them one by one. The last bat fatally wounds her mount as she kills it, and Alrandia is sent plummeting… She is paralysed, and despite her protests, you tell her you will carry her to safety.

A week passes. You make a brief stop to eat and rest. Just as you are about to finish your food, Alrandia spots an enemy warband in the distance. It appears you have been spotted, and you prepare to make a last stand together. She sings elven war songs, while you load your musket. But just before the enemy overruns you, something unexpected happens…

[B] Fawn Huntress x Demi-Human Listener

Thistle is one of the strongest fawns of her village, but she can be a little airheaded and has an insatiable sweet tooth. She was tracking the Red-Handed, who are an organisation of thieves. She was unfortunately caught after they used her love of sweets lure her into their trap. You use your heightened sense of smell to track her down, eventually defeating the guards and extracting Thistle from the chest she was locked in. Afterwards, while patching her up, Thistle notes that you ran to the Red-Handed base alone. You admit that you are in love with her and that you were so worried that you threw caution to the wind in order to save her.

[C] Fallen Angel Lucy of the Devil’s Hand Motorcycle Gang

You and Lucy are the only remaining members of the Devil’s Hand Motorcycle Gang. You are fleeing the city after a devastating turf war with a rival dragonborn gang, known as Retribution. Your motorcycles start to break down during the escape, and you point out to Lucy that you are currently close to your garage in the Lost Valley. You decide to get a burger together, bunker down for the evening, and repair your bikes in the morning. Though you worry that your place is filthy, Lucy does not seem to mind at all. You tell Lucy more about your story, and she tells you about hers. In the morning, you repair your bikes, and ride out of the garage. The sound attracts the attention of straggling Retribution members, and you lead them on a chase, vowing revenge for your fallen friends.

[D] Sweet Gentle Giant Orc Girl x Hunter Partner

Your girlfriend is a sweet, giant orc girl, who no longer fights due to her hands being cursed with markings, causing them to sting painfully whenever she tries to pick up a weapon. She lives in a cave with you, her partner, and you oftentimes fuss over her. You help her from the goodness of your heart, hunting for her and preparing food together. She used to have a problem with her condition, but has since lost all aggression and is always careful when she is hugging or cuddling you. You go hunting for some feathered bird-lizards while she cheers you on, and go back to your cosy cave to enjoy your newly-caught meal.

[E] Elven Knight x Thief Listener

The elven knight Lynette chases down a thief, who is prowling outside a local village she is assigned to guard. After forcing the thief inside a cave, they are both attacked by paralysing plant monsters. Surprisingly, Lynette shoves the thief out of the way and finishes off the foul beasts herself. Hours later, Lynette awakens to the thief watching over her. She can only move her arms and upper body. She finds out that the thief is actually not a bad person. When she finally regains mobility, the thief walks her back to the local village. Lynette learns about the thief’s story, and states that she hopes to see them again.


Arexus Galia

Oh ho, it looks like the elves are leading the poll! Which is, umm, quite ironic that the paralyzed elves are the ones running in the lead

Arexus Galia

And it seems the Elf and Thief stole the lead by a healthy margin! On a sidenote, the Fawn Huntress managed to catch up to second place. Will it get enough votes to supplant the Elf and Thief? Find out in the coming days!