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You were a support mage in the Hero's party, but were always taken for granted and made fun of, despite everything you did for them. The final straw came in the middle of a netherworld dungeon, when you overheard a conversation they were having. 

You teleport yourself away, and request the services of the Queen Demoness Asmoday the 32nd. She invites you to speak with her and you enjoy a delicious roast dinner together, as you recount what happened. 

Finally, she asks if you are willing and ready to make the pact that will bind you to her...it will make you incredibly powerful, but you must leave your old life behind. 



Arexus Galia

"Long have I walked in your oppressive shadow, hero. Yet somehow, you are surprised that I have finally embraced darkness? Then again, you were not the kind of guy to pay attention to those you deem beneath you. So why should I expect you to notice my descent to deceit. In any case, I am delighted to inform you that both you and our partnership are hereby TERMINATED!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" -Fallen Mage's monologue when he finally betrays the hero Gosh, I love this story idea so much. Though the food bit made me hungry, which is quite torturous when you're in a diet, hahaha. Kudos to the person who came up with it, and Cadence for once again making a banger.

CJ Marshall

Hypothetical Sequel: “Heroes” bust into the throne room and make some clichéd monologue about defeating Asmoday and returning light to the land. Asmoday interrupts them, saying she has better things to do right now and dares them to hit her as hard as they can. "Not half as hard or some other arbitrary percent. I want you to hit me with everything you can muster." They eventually fall for it, unleashing their strongest attacks to obliterate the Demon Queen! …and Asmoday walks forward wholly unscathed, commenting on her ruined throne. The hero's sword, specifically forged to kill demons, shatters when the hero tries to cut her head off. Asmoday doesn’t even flinch. When asked how she survived the onslaught, she reveals that she got the Impregnable Wall enchantment, which makes her temporarily immune to any damage. The parties battle mage says that’s impossible, as the only one who can apply that enchantment is… a support mage at the fullest potential. The listener reveals himself, along with all the demons the hero and his party slain to get to the throne room. They were revived with the listener's Second Chance spell, which raises anyone from the dead, but it only works once. Asmoday laughs at the irony, “You all said that you don’t need him, but now it seems like you need him more than ever!” She then gestures to the listener, saying that his revenge is over and he doesn’t have to watch what happens next. The hero fearfully asks, “W-what are you talking-“ the sound of a stomach growling and the licking of the Demon Queen's lips is the so-called hero’s answer. The listener quickly shuts the door, blocks with a sealing spell, and listens to the feast from the other side…

Arexus Galia

Hooo boy, I want to see this one made! It is said the vegeance is said to be best serve cold. Turns out it's best served warm! *nom nom nom*

worldofcadence (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-09 06:29:34 Great monologue 🔥🔥! Haha this is the support mage's villain backstory >:D
2023-03-02 11:02:11 Great monologue 🔥🔥! Haha this is the support mage's villain backstory >:D

Great monologue 🔥🔥! Haha this is the support mage's villain backstory >:D


Hehe when the party completely overestimates their own abilities 😏😏😈. Great follow-up story, and thank you CJ for submitting the idea 🧡🧡🧡!!

Arexus Galia

I can bet. He even made a hypothetical sequel in a comment below. Would love to see it happen one day :D