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Good day (or evening), friends ♡❀❀^w^❀❀♡!

Here are the ideas for this month's audio. Much gratitude for your submissions!

You can vote for more than one title. 

[A] The Hero Willow x Shy Warlock, ft. Lilith the Succubus & Selthia the Lamia [Shy Warlock Series]

You prepare a delicious dinner, amongst light-hearted conversation with Lilith and Selthia. Afterwards, Lilith pulls you aside to present you with a gift – a scimitar forged in the abyss. She then turns serious, telling you that you must protect yourself, as a Hero who holds terrifying power has once again been chosen by the Gods to carry out their wills. 

The next day, you go to the guild hall alone while Lilith and Selthia stay behind. The guild’s receptionist tells you that the Hero has heard about your skill and has requested yours services. You try to make a run for it, but you’re chased down by the Hero Willow, who corners you and tells you to accompany her to take out a high-difficulty bandit camp. You go and battle the bandits at the camp, even helping Willow during the battle despite her power. Afterwards, Willow asks you if you are willing to help her hunt down the succubus Lilith, and you tell her it is beyond your ability. Later, you tell Lilith what you encountered that day. 

[B] Igorina the Igor (Golem) x Skilled Doctor

A former mad scientist (now dead) has granted you the ownership of his castle and property, as well as access to his seemingly bottomless bank account, for saving him from cardiac arrest in the past. The scientist’s most trusted servant is Igorina the Igor, a flesh golem. You stay on the property for a few days to familiarise yourself with it, and Igorina gives you a tour through the dining halls, library, and the scientist’s personal laboratory. Your tour is cut short as the sounds of a riot begins from upstairs. The scientist’s estranged son, a powerful sorcerer, has entered the property and intends to take your life as revenge for being shunted from the will. Igorina quickly leads you to the panic room, and gives you a glass of fine wine and a kiss on the cheek, happy to be serving her new master. 

[C] Lieutenant Aeris Jaeger (MechWarrior) x Engineer David Smith (Listener)(BattleTech)

David was a close childhood friend of Aeris. The two were separated when they were in their teens, but were reunited when the mercenary outfit that took Aeris in also hired David as a mechanic. Every year, they celebrate the day they united. They are currently having shore leave at the Capellan world of New Macao, and David has been trying for several days to modify a Particle Projector Cannon, becoming so focused and obsessed that he forgot the anniversary lunch! Aeris bursts into the room, saying that she has waited for three hours at the place they were supposed to eat at, and worries that he hasn’t eaten for so long. She says that she has brought the party food to him: yang chao fried rice, roast duck, salt and pepper ribs, dumplings, wonton soup, and beer. After lunch, she threatens him and tells him that if he does not rest, she will knock him out and drag him to the barracks! 

[D] Making a Deal with the Demon Queen Asmoday to betray the Hero

You were a support mage in the hero’s party. Despite bending over backwards for them all the time, the party thought of you as nothing but a safety net. The final straw came when you overheard them talking about how useless you were and how they never needed your help. 

You decide to reach out to the demon queen Asmoday. She is unique among the lords, as she learned from the failures of previous royalty. She is confident and headstrong, desiring to nurture the potential of every one of her followers. You have a delicious dinner together: juicy roasted cockatrice, with a side of creamy mashed potatoes and fragrant peas. You talk about what happened with your party, the rumours surrounding her, and the failures of previous demon lords. At the end of dinner, she agrees to take you under her wing. The blood pact makes you drowsy, and you fall asleep in her lap…

[E] Skilled Mage (Necromancer) x Listener

A necromancer has assembled a small team of the greatest bandits and thieves to rob the most prestigious bank from the nation’s second-largest city. She has raised a small army of walking corpses to act as a diversion during the heist. You are one of the guards hired as bank security, but your colleagues abandon the cause when they see what they are up against. You fight on bravely alone, earning the admiration of the necromancer. She sees your potential, and says she will welcome you into her team. Already unsatisfied with your life, you accept, then proceed to help the outlaws break open the vaults! 


Random word fact: The act of hesitating when you introduce someone because you have forgotten their name is known as a tartle. It is a Scottish term!

Sentence: I was so nervous at the party that I completely tartled when my parents asked for the name of my new date. 



Arexus Galia

Seeing all the options, I don't care who wins, they all seem awesome story ideas! Also, thanks for the new word!

CJ Marshall

Fun fact: Asmoday is the name of a demon in the Ars Goetia

Spencer Abdo

And an Interrogator Chaplain for the Dark Angels Chapter of of Space Marines.


They are indeed all awesome!!! I can give you lots more new words *wraps dictionary up and presents to Arexus as a present*