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Hello friends <3

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead!! 🍪🍰💌🌻🌸

Here are the details for February's Patreon exclusive:

Instructions --

Choose TWO or THREE items from the list below, and use them to write a short plot outline. Remember to include details about the speaker and listener's characters~

1. Space travel

2. Forgetting something important

3. Consorting with the enemy

4. Raising the undead

5. Navigating an unfamiliar castle

6. A bank robbery

7. Getting a weapon custom made

8. Doing something out of character (specify why it is out of character)

9. Receiving an unexpected letter

10. Delicious food

Example --

(From list: 3. and 7.) The war nurse (speaker) secretly heals, then falls in love with the enemy's general. She then supports the general in rebelling against the regime, and follows him on his quest to make powerful ultrasonic weapons that have the ability to cause chaos. (Insert optional, additional details about the story here).

You can submit up to 2 plot outlines. If you do, please label them 1 and 2.

Form closes: 11th February, 2023. I will choose some of the ideas for this month's poll. For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous.

(っ^▿^)۶🍸🍺٩(˘◡˘ ) ~~~~~Cheers~~~~~💛💛💛💛💛💛💛





I got a really good Idea for this prompt! it’s like the stars alined perfectly for me!

Arexus Galia

I like this new custom idea prompts. It gives you a bit of a guide while allowing you more freedom. Also, thanks for not going forward with the 1 word limit XD, just one word prompts.


Thank you for taking the time to write out such a detailed description (it's been very helpful, esp. when it comes to writing out the full audio)! 💖💖💖


Dangit, I got to your comment too late. I was going to say, everyone gets to use the prompt except for you. You're limited to one word *runs away quickly in the other direction while laughing maniacally*