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Greetings, lovely people! 😍

Sending hugs and love to you for the start of a new week 💞~

The writing prompt for this month is in the graphic below. 

If you are submitting two ideas, you can do one for each timeline. Otherwise, pick your fave! 

WORD LIMIT: The submission for each idea is to be between 100-400 words. HOWEVER, if you see that your idea has won the poll and wish to add more details, please message these details to me on Patreon no later than 48 hours after the poll ends.

Set your submission up in any way you like. Example: [Description of where the characters are and what their world is like]+[Details about speaker & listener]+[What is the EVENT and plotline]+[Additional details re: foley, character lines, lore]

You may submit up to two ideas (storylines). Bullet points or short paragraph descriptions work well. 

It must be of the science fiction genre and include the details for the timeline you choose. 

The type of relationship between the speaker and listener is up to you! 

Form closes: 11th October, 2022. I will choose five ideas for the poll. For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous. 


💛🌸Infinite love, 



Arexus Galia

Man, you're really amping up these prompts ehh. We're getting graphics now! As for which path I'll likely choose well... War. War never changes.