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Your party was on your way home from a successful dungeon run on a remote island, when a terrible storm created by cursed elementals hit.

You were all separated, but your girlfriend managed to summon a small sailboat she had in her magical brooch. She found you and dragged you out of the water, but the other party members are still unaccounted for.

It is now nighttime, and you sit and lean on her while she ties a fishing net. Though you are not feeling too well, your girlfriend's toughness and the kind manner in which she treats you gives you a feeling of reassurance. 

You talk about your journey together, and before the end of the night, you decide to propose. Even if you never make it out of this situation alive, you still want your barbarian girlfriend to know how much she means to you.


Thank you to the lovely patron who wrote the proposal (featured in the audio)!!


No gold to give, nor silver to share 

Just fish for food and saltwater everywhere 

But what little I have, I give to you 

And even my life, I'll share with you too  

In plenty or hardship, I'll be by your side 

No matter what happens, with you I'll abide

Whatever this life brings to me and to you

We shall face them together, this I hold true




Arexus Galia

Okay, just love the proposal scene here. 'Twas really sweet, and the emotion as she was reading it was excellently delivered.