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Lucee the arctic fox girl's injury has healed up well, thanks to your efforts over the past two weeks. Allowing her to stay in your ice cave has given her a sense of comfort, and she's been loving it. 

You've spent much of that that time by yourself, exploring the Western Cryomaas - an icy region rumoured to hold many frozen artefacts. However, your searches never yielded any significant results. 

Now that Lucee is better, you agree to take her on your future expeditions. She is much more familiar with the layout of the land, as well as its secrets, and you bring out some maps for her to analyse...


🎵: [Adventure Beyond] by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License




It's been a week of 43ish degrees and my air con broke at the start of the week so i will try to pretend i am cold in this xD PS: Wonderful work as always Cadonks


Oh noooo it's that time of year again...the time of the Great Burning Hotness xD *dunks Pyro inside the sea then pets him dry* Any chance of that aircon being fixed soon? Cadonce say thank you :3


Nope... they said a week and then the guy couldn't touch it because its still under warranty and now it could be anywhere up to 10 weeks :( sad pyro