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🌸 Howdy everyone ^u^! The poll options are up. You may cast more than one vote. Thank you again for submitting your outlineses <33

These were the 28 words that could be found in the word search (it still counts if you found a word within a word):

Library, redemption, loyalty, wisdom, elemental, confession, mecha, transhumanism, biomachinery, terraforming, crystalline, fireflies, temptation, horror, criminal, medieval, archaeology, manuscript, flying, psionics, survival, investigation, premonition, music, portal, stars, underwater, clocktower.

[A] Your Best Friend Proposes [The Intergalactic Pioneer Corps (IPC)]

Words: Terraforming, redemption, music

It has been three years since you met your best friend. You are both ‘criminals,’ sent away from an overpopulated Earth to terraform viable worlds for future human colonisation. Working for the IPC is difficult. It’s a monotonous job that offers little reprieve. But you find comfort in each other, sharing stories and watching videos on your days off. It is impossible for her not to have grown to love you. Today is a rest day, and she has invited you to the viewing port to go stargazing. She is going to propose, but she is extremely nervous and stumbles through her words. You help calm her, and she decides to express her love by singing you a song.

[B] The Flying Lovers [Composer x Mechanic]

Words: Flying, mecha, music

You fly over a steampunk-like city in a large mechanical bird on a rainy night. Your companion is a soft-spoken, eccentric composer. You share a dance, and she reminisces about your chance encounter at a concert hall. She recalls how you had told her you would listen to her music over the radio while you worked, designing different machines until you were familiar with every piece of music she wrote. She smiles and talks about how she would barge into your workshop to tell you about the pieces she was composing. You explain how you designed the mechanical bird as a large speaker, capable of playing her music across the entire city. She proposes to you, wishing for you to share a life of music and mechanical wonder together.

[C] Mermaid Songstress x Human Sailor

Words: Loyalty, underwater, music

Around two years ago, you rescued a mermaid from a freak show. This caused you to almost be drowned by your former comrades for “falling under the sea witch’s spell.” But the mermaid rescued you in return, and swore to follow you wherever you went. Since then, you have built a new life in a different harbour. The mermaid senses that you are nervous about something tonight, but she doesn’t pry. After reminiscing about how you met, you propose to her. At first she doesn’t understand, because she is unfamiliar with human customs. After you explain what marriage is, she eagerly accepts and hugs you. The audio ends as the mermaid sings you to sleep.

[D] Transhuman Cyber-Fairy Queen x Courtier

Words: Transhuman, investigation, confession

You are Queen Titanium’s trusted cyberfae courtier and she has tasked you with conducting an investigation into the human kidnappings and bizarre experiments that King Cyberon and the crown prince Punk are hiding from the cyber kingdom. You discover that Cyberon and Punk are planning to use the souls of innocent humans as a mass sacrifice to restore magical ley lines that the rest of the fae were disconnected from upon embracing cybernetics. Had their plan succeeded, the cyberfae would be plunged back into the Dark Ages. You present your findings to the court in order to draw a confession out of them. The Queen publicly announces that she will dispose of King Cyberon and confesses her interest in you, along with her intention to have you replace him as the new king and ruler.

[E] Mecha Pilot x Engineer

Words: Machinery, flying, crystal

The year is 2643. The war with the invaders is finally over. Earth has won, after a decade of battle. And finally, your love, who gave up everything to fight for the human race, is returning. Her mecha arrives in the docking station, and she runs over to you. Seeing her, she’s just as beautiful as she was all those years ago. You hold her and kiss her, and she has so much to tell you. But first, you both have something you want to talk about. One gift each. You open them at the same time. You present to her a quarlithium crystal ring. It seems like you both had the idea to propose…you two just couldn’t wait another moment, huh?


Arexus Galia

Man, a lot of awesome ideas this poll. But I must admit, option E gripped my heart. Waiting for years for you beloved to come back, not knowing if she will even return from the front lines. I can imagine the joy they must feel as they see each other again. Bravo!

Joseph Asscrack's ASSMR

Jesus Christ, D is certainly dark. Gives off big Adeptus Mechanicus vibes. Praise be to the Omnissiah.

Arexus Galia

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Joseph Asscrack's ASSMR

Ok, one more question about D, and then I'll leave. How does the 'confession' factor into this? I have two theories: -The queen 'confesses' to the listener that they were interested in them because the king and prince are evil bastards -The king and prince 'confess' to their crimes


You'd be right on both accounts 💖! I did not make this clear in the description - gonna update it now