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Hello, you adorable people ♡( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )*

Title of audio: Woemeo and Fooliet -- An Undead Romance

Summary of audio: Two undead creatures manage to escape the clutches of their feuding families and have a romantic date. 

Your submission MUST contain some elements form gothic fiction, but the characters themselves do not have to come from gothic literature. 

1) The speaker and listener are both undead, and not human. Identify the SPEAKER and LISTENER – they do not have to be the same type of creature. 

2) Choose a setting. 

3) Add some plot details, taking into account the title and summary above (you can be as specific or as general as you like). 

Examples of gothic elements:

- A moonlit graveyard

- A gloomy, stone building that’s always surrounded by mist 

- Stormy weather

- The mention of a betrayal, mystery, murder, or haunting

- Death and reanimation

Undead (to clarify):

For the purpose of this let's go with the Monster Wiki definition: anything that is dead but behaves as if it is alive/as if it has living awareness. The more traditional ones would be mummies, liches, zombies, and any type of ghost. I'd classify a vampire as being undead if the person went through the death process but was reanimated by being turned. I'd classify Dullahans as fae (not undead, unless something killed it and it was reanimated). SPEAKER and LISTENER can also be something else, like an elf/dwarf/changeling/extraterrestrial that died but was somehow reanimated by some force or scientific experiment. 

Happy brainstorming! You may submit up to 2 sets of ideas (please label them idea 1 and idea 2).


The submission form closes on the 16th of March, 2021. I will choose some of the ideas for the poll. For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous. 

💛💛💛 Big Love 💛💛💛





I'm gonna ask this here, so that everyne has access to this info, but do Dullahans, Liches and Vampires count as undead creatures? Or would Dullahans count as Fey and Vampires count as living beings, for example? Also, what's the maximum length of this story?


Just in time for the new Ravenloft book! I'm very excite!

Arexus Galia

A story about undying love, got it

Hobo Carnival

Wow this is an amazingly different idea! I am super excited to see if my brain will churn out anything worth submitting! Excited to see what comes out of this! 😁


Great question - for the purpose of this let's go with the Monster Wiki definition: anything that is dead but behaves as if it is alive/as if it has living awareness. The more traditional ones would be mummies, liches, zombies, and any type of ghost. I'd classify a vampire as being undead if the person went through the death process but was reanimated by being turned. I'd classify Dullahans as fae (not undead, unless something killed it and it was reanimated). SPEAKER and LISTENER can also be something else, like an elf/dwarf/changeling/extraterrestrial that died but was somehow reanimated by some force or scientific experiment. Maximum length of your submission is however long you want it to be, but take into account that patrons will only see a summary of the ones that are picked and it needs to fit into a ~22min audio. I'm gonna update the post and form with this as well in case people don't see the comment.

worldofcadence (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-26 12:50:04 I loved the other ideas you had so if you come up with anything I'm sure it'll be neat as &gt;:D
2021-03-09 05:14:10 I loved the other ideas you had so if you come up with anything I'm sure it'll be neat as >:D

I loved the other ideas you had so if you come up with anything I'm sure it'll be neat as >:D

Joseph Asscrack's ASSMR

How much do you want ideas to strictly stick to the 'gothicc' theme you want to have here? I have an idea of "Minority Report meets San Junipero in the far future" thing and I'm worried about getting away from the spirit (heh) of things.


Whatever you have, go for it lol - as long as you've got two undead creatures and one or two gothic elements then it works :D. I'm not going specifically for gothic fiction itself, so anything that fits the criteria above is good