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Hello loves!! 😍

You consistently blow me away with your fantastic ideas *floats away into the sky*

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[A]  My Girlfriend the Comically Cynical Magic Fairy: Your girlfriend Faelee is a fairy who is stuck in a mortifying position as a fairy for hire. You are grocery shopping when you receive a message from her – she is on break at a particularly disastrous party. The parents aren’t paying, the birthday girl is throwing a tantrum, and her colleague Oberon has passed out from heatstroke. She wants her courageous hero (you) to come save her in your 2001 Honda Civic (your noble steed)…please hurry!!

[B] Wagon Ride with a Saucy Bard: You are travelling to a faraway town for a fresh start, and hitch a ride with a charming bard and her companions. The bard and her band are playing at a nearby tavern, and you are invited! Little do you know that this will be the start of your new life together.

[C] Plot to Save the Princess (Princess Catarina/The Duke’s Maid): There is music in the air and drinks aplenty as the duchy celebrates the marriage of its duke. However, the princess is not happy. She mourns the fact that she cannot marry the man she truly loves, a squire named Edward. A cloaked man appears, and challenges the duke to a duel. The cloaked man is revealed to be Edward. In the chaos that follows, the princess and Edward run away. CUT TO: INT—DUKE’S ROOM—LATER THAT EVENING. The duke’s maid is tending to his wounds, and it is revealed that the duke set the whole thing up as he knew the princess did not love him. [Question to the patron who submitted this idea: Could you message me and let me know if you intended for this audio to be played from two different perspectives (part 1: princess is speaking, part 2: maid is speaking, or if you wanted just the scene with the maid and the duke and the maid recounts the earlier events of the day? Cheers :3]

[D] A Lamia interviews a Slime: A slime, blessed with self-consciousness, is getting interviewed by a lamia (the listener) for her potential suitability to join his adventurer’s group. The slime is kind of slow (a few cards short of a full deck, if you will) and the lamia becomes increasingly frustrated and amused at the slime’s sometimes nonsensical answers. He decides to mess with her by asking increasingly complex and trick questions.

[E] Dance with a Dragoness: You are a paladin who secretly spared the life of a dragoness a few days ago after learning her story. The townspeople think you killed the dragon and are still celebrating your ‘victory.’ You are staring into the bonfire when a woman with striking features sits down next to you. It is the dragon in human form, here to thank you. She asks you to teach her how to dance and before you know it, you are eating, drinking, and dancing with your former enemy…


Arexus Galia

Not gonna lie, the first idea gave me a good chuckle. Ride hero! Ride!


I have a true question here: How many ideas/suggestions do you typically get to choose from per poll?