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Once artificial intelligence becomes self aware centuries into the future, humanity begins to perish by the millions. 

RN-Alpha 1068 has a directive to terminate you on sight, but after falling debris delivers a whack to her central processor, she fights her directive and perhaps...chooses differently. 

Loud noise warning: ~0:53 seconds, ~2min 09. 

Script and artwork by the wonderfully talented Rory Glover!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arkhivez/
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/arkhivezstudios
tumblr: https://arkhivez.tumblr.com/

Check out the art! :D

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Hi Cadence. I don't comment as much as I used to but I wanted to say that I'm happy you're still making amazing audios like this. I hope you're doing well.


Hey JD! Thank youu~ Good to hear from you again 🥰. It's been a cray cray year, so hopefully you've had time to relax and write and do the things you love <333

Arexus Galia

Only 70.9 million of us left... more than 99% of humanity... gone... what can men do against such reckless hate... *glances at my laptop with suspicion*