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Hello wonderful loves! 

I'm sending you all so much appreciation and love~ ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ 

The topic for this month's brainstorm is: HOLIDAY SEASON VACATION. 

If you were to visualise your ideal holiday season vacation, where would it be, who would you be with, and what would you be doing? What is in your imagined 'slice of paradise?'

The character talking to you in the audio does not necessarily have to be human, and it can be set in any alternate reality or fantasy planet. 

I am collecting brainstorm details for CHARACTER, ACTIVITIES, AND PLOT. You can be as general, or as detailed as you like, in the ideas you submit. 

You may submit up to 2 ideas (please label them 1 and 2). 

The form closes on the 16th of December, 2020. I will choose some ideas and put them in the poll. For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous. 


🤍~Infinite hugs~🤍




CJ Marshall

Quick question. Is it possible to submit the same idea again? If not, that’s fine.


Hey hey! Technically it's possible but nobody has ever done it, as if the same idea is submitted twice, it doesn't increase the chances of it being placed in the poll~