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Meet baby Valda! 

Mage and Audrey celebrate their anniversary. They've come a long way~ 💕

This is the end of the series! Scott and I would like to thank everyone who has enjoyed Mage and Audrey's story...for laughing, crying, cheering them on, and experiencing their victories along with them!! This has been a huge undertaking and I could not have done it without his scripts. The first episode was released in late 2018, and we have 12 episodes & a bonus in both seasons :D. 

I know some people have listened to every single episode (as they've been released), while others have marathon-ed their way through. Whether you've been here since the beginning or whether you've listened to a few eps here and there, thank you. The support received for this audio drama has been amazing. ✨

Script by: Scott Houston Paterson,  https://twitter.com/mythicore



Nearly two years is pretty major. Great work.