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One evening, two of Althea's disciples discover a badly wounded person outside the entrance of The Sanctum of Nature. Althea does everything she can to save this lost soul from Shadowseed’s influence, even putting her own soul on the line to do it. 



Thousands of years in the past, the world of (Ancient) Astola was ravaged by war and bloodshed. Battle after battle was fought over the right to claim ownership of seven Sanctums, each one a focal point of great magical power: Light, Fire/Water, Nature, Earth, Lightning, Ice, and Air. Those who mastered the full power of a Sanctum's magic were granted the title of Sage. And whoever gains control of all seven Sanctums will receive a single wish from Astola's goddess Amraura.


A man shrouded in mystery and darkness, Lord Shadowseed finds people who have fallen on hard times, given up on life, or are going through emotional turmoil and convinces them to become Brokenhearted. In this state, he gains power over them. He can see through their eyes, speak through their mouths, and hear through their ears. Once they've fallen, he either leaches all of their magic out of their bodies and leaves them powerless but unharmed, or he uses a Dark Crown to enslave them into becoming his disciple. Under the Dark Crown, their magic increases a thousand-fold and they are no longer Brokenhearted, but they are bound to his will. His goal is to take all of the magic of the Sanctums for himself and his followers. He tends to act through his disciples or the Brokenhearted rather than act directly.


Althea is the Sage of the Third Sanctum: The Sanctum of Nature. It's not as grandiose as the other Sanctums. Instead of a monument placed on high, it's just a simple wooden abbey in the middle of a forest. From there, Althea teaches fledgling mages how to form a connection to the planet around them, to give and receive the power of Nature. Her own connection to nature is so potent that her magic can influence not only the body but the spirit as well. As such, she represents a grave threat to Shadowseed, not only in magical prowess but in her kindness as well. Many Brokenhearted are rescued and purified before they can fully succumb to his influence, robbing him of their magic. Several of his disciples are captured and freed of their Dark Crowns as well. As such, she is the only Sage that he bothers to target directly instead of just through his disciples. The two clash again and again in a never-ending battle between will and worthlessness.


Script & Lord Shadowseed's voice: Jordan Edwards 

Blog:  https://www.jordansgems.com 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheInfernityZero 



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