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All tiers are invited to join the brainstorm for this month's sleep-themed audio~

Title: Alien Queen: Not Your Usual Abduction

Ambience: Spaceship

You've always considered yourself to be relatively average. Your life is so-so and your days are repetitive, but you've kind of accepted that this is how things are going to be. 

One night, you go to bed as usual but wake up to a low humming noise coming from outside your window. You open the window to investigate, then all of a sudden, all the particles that make up your body and consciousness are sucked up by a UFO's elevator system. 

You wake up on a spaceship three Earth days later, disoriented and uneasy. There's a tall, female humanoid standing in front of you. She says you used to work as her most trusted advisor but due to a huge misunderstanding, you were wrongly accused of betraying her people. As punishment, you were stripped of your title and alien form, and sent to Earth. 

You are placed in a special room where your original alien body will be reassembled and the false memory overlay technology will be removed, so that you can once again remember your past. 

Submit ideas for any of the following:

- Relevant sounds that can be heard in the audio

- Things that may occur during the body reassembly process

- Stories about the past the alien queen tells you about

- Details about you

- Details about her

I will choose some of the submitted ideas and write them into the audio. 

(I always try to get as many in as I can)!

Submissions close: 15th of May, 0:00 Pacific Time. 


For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous.

Much love 💗



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