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Ironheart has been recommissioned. They and Dojja are on their way to the encampment. On the way, they get better acquainted, and converse about the state of the realm. Unbeknownst to them, there may be someone following close behind... 


Script by Damon Ares!

More of his writings can be found here:

https://www.facebook.com/TeamCounterstrikeSeries https://www.patreon.com/TeamCounterstrike 


Glossary of Terms:

ABADA - /Uh-’bae-duh/ - The original home of the Oka’r, where Rouub crafted their species based on the local crocodiles. 

Image 1: The island of Abada in the region of the Great Isles.  While mostly covered in rainforest, it also boasts lush mangroves along its northeastern shore. The Vareil peninsula can be seen just to the north.

ARCANACRAFT - /Ar-’kah-nuh-kraft/ - A vessel propelled by an arcanum crystal. There are wave-arcanacraft but also earth-arcanacraft. Arcanacraft that travel over land appear like their boat counterparts, except that the keel is extra long and holds the rest of the craft above the ground. The keel itself hovers just a few inches above the ground.

ARCANUM - /Ar-’kae-num/ - Arcanum crystals are crystals that have been infused, by one process or another, with ke energy. Reservoir crystals have a finite supply but are capable of releasing huge bursts of power, while siphon crystals channel ke energy from the environment but can only channel a limited amount at a time.

CASTGATE - /’Kast-gaet/ - The Castgate Lattice (otherwise known as Kadaler, or ‘the Channels’) is a network of portals that can send people throughout the realm. Constructed by the Gardfae, it presents too valuable a resource for the other races to pass up. Smaller public waysites can be used by all for a modest fee, while larger ones overseen by one of the Gardfae which connect major points of interest are free for use.

DOJJA - /’Doe-juh/ - A member of the race of the Sahscerain. She enjoys taking the form of quick creatures with powerful senses, especially if they have a good rapport with humanity. She’s excitable and well-meaning, but also a bit naive and inexperienced — especially when it comes to social interaction. However, she’s an indomitable survivor, having lived more or less on her own in the wild for most of her life.

GARDFAE - /’Gard-fae/ - The Gardfae are tiny humanoid people with insect-like wings and an incredible natural talent for using ke energy - perhaps the most potential of all the mortal races. They stand six inches tall at their maximum, have a natural empathic sense, and most live in the realm of Qalhanna. They do, however, have strategically located garden embassies (Embasaver; sing. Embasave) across Leiyard so as to maintain a presence there.

IXOS PLAGUE - /’Ihk-sohs/ - The Ixos plague was a disease created by Palam & Rouub to destroy life in Leiyard. It was made of living arcanum and used resources from the environment to cover the host in enchanted crystal with which it could shield itself and attack with claw-like spars of crystal.

KE — /'Kee/ — The gods of the five realms. The Ke are beings of pure energy. As a people, they have existed since not long after Aldawn (The birth of the universe). Their civilization grew and expanded throughout the universe. Wielding power beyond their control, the Ke shattered reality into five energy states, or realms, and destroyed themselves in the process. Because of the actions of one, named Atrus, six of the Ke were saved. The rest either became the matter that makes up the realms and everything/everyone in them or fused with the fabric of reality. The ke energy fused with space-time allows the Ke and individuals with strong minds to accomplish incredible feats via arcane methods. The survivors went on to become the gods: Elbion, Uirest, Kyuda, Caeru, Rouub, and Palam.

LEIYARD — /'Lae-yard/ — The middle realm. Here is where the mortal races live: The Empires of Man, the Oka'r of Aau'ina, the Titansons in the mountains, and many more.

NAVITIA - /Nuh-‘vee-shuh/ - The Navitian Empire was a kingdom descended from the Alziran culture. Originally from the northern kingdom of Nalu, an army of pirates set up shop after travelling south along the coast and founded Navitia. From there they quickly became one of the most powerful southeastern kingdoms. Unfortunately, it wasn;t long after they reached their zenith that the Oka’r attacked. Navitia no longer exists, and its refugees are scattered.

ORVALLA - /Or-’vah-luh/ - A vaernetar (Network of cities) of the Titansons based in the Haveina mountain range of midland.

Image 2:  Orvalla, surrounded by the shattered human kingdoms during the time of the Ixos plague (Also pictured are Embasave Midara & Embasave Valo, both of which were quarantined)

PALAM — /'Pae-luhm/ — The god of strategy. Palam sides with Rouub. He is deceitful, and cautious by nature.

ROUUB — /Ro-'ūb/ — The god of war. Her energy is a deep scarlet red. She has always been somewhat wary of material creatures, but events of the past led her to cultivate a deep-seated hatred for all physical life. She wants to return the Ke to their former glory and destroy the material world in the process. She could do it in an instant if it weren't for Elbion dedicating every moment to make it impossible for her. So she has to use other, more subtle methods to sow unrest and chaos among the mortals. 

SYNTRION — /'Sin-tree-ahn/ — The benevolent Ke, minus Elbion (Uirest, Kyuda & Caeru). These three work together to combat Rouub & Palam's schemes.

VISRI — /'Vis-rie/ — The realm below Leiyard. It's dominated by vast plains and mountains made of translucent crystal, glowing with ke energy. This realm holds the scattered consciousness of Luscit, and the weakened (but alive) Imaeges.



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