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Espeon Gang Represent 🤘

Stefan Pereira

During part 1 you mentioned you were living in New Zealand and I had to go home from work early because I realized I was lookin like a clown :^( and yes it is I, Not Steven!


I can't speak for all Aussies, but in Australia asking about someone's pregnancy is just generally not a subject of small talk unless you're close with them, at least according to my pregnant friend. The only people that ever ask her are foreigners, so maybe it's a cultural thing.


I see! I shall definitely keep that in mind the next time I visit Aus! Lol I know my Chinese family likes to ask about everything 🤣


Nah, I don't think you be lookin' like a clown - perfectly reasonable thing to ask, imo! Sleepy did provide some info about the pregnancy question below :D


Glad the fish and chips question made you laugh x)


Your list for my ridiculous and dumb question was solid. Gnomes are sorta like earth spirits in mythology, tied to alchemy. In D&D they expanded on that idea with their sub-races. Rock gnomes are tinkerers and inventors, representing ores and metals. Forest gnomes can talk to animals and do stuff with plants, representing the earth's nourishing nature. They're real cool, my character in the main session I play in is a forest gnome.


"Fish and chips" is the phrase we use over here to poke fun at you guys >:P - seems like you use it too LOL


Whoa, I learnt a lot about gnomes from reading this - it's always super interesting to read about these topics :0 <3. Go Forest Gnome Glace!