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It is 5pm, and you are about to exit the subway on your way home after work. Just as you get up to leave, you notice that somebody has left behind a leather briefcase on the seat next to you. You cannot recall who its owner is - you dislike making eye contact or looking at people on public transport. All you remember is that the person was carrying a bouquet of English roses. You have a fleeting thought about turning the briefcase in to the Lost and Found, but something compels you to take it home. 

"I'll help return this myself," you mumble. 

After dinner, you sit down with the briefcase. There might be some identifying information in there. It takes you exactly ten seconds to figure out that the briefcase is securely locked. Just as you are about to give up, you notice a small, metal plate on the bottom, with a few finely engraved letters on it, which read:


-For the Greater Good-

You decide to visit the address the following evening...

[The audio will take place at the address above. Who lives there, what's their story, and what does "for the greater good" mean?]

Submissions close on the 9th of August, at 0:00 Pacific Time.

For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous. I will choose a few and put them up for voting on the 10th. 

Love ya! x

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It's obviously an undercover Tau ethereal... or one of the residents from the town in hot fuzz.