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Hello beautiful people! 😊 

Thank you all so much for being amazing patrons and members of this community. Your creative ideas, encouragement, support, humour, and messages have really been heartwarming and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to interact with people who love audio role-plays and stories as much as I do! 

I will be returning to China in May and will stay there for the majority of that month to visit with my grandparents (they used to look after me when I was a miniCadence  😁). They have been experiencing some health complications, so I'd like to be with them for a bit ❤️. 

There will also be some family members visiting me in NZ at the end of April over Easter weekend, and into the beginning of May. 

What this means for you, as a patron:

* Tiers I-III will still get their audio rewards as usual, in both April and May. However, you will be polled twice in April for the patreon-exclusives: once for April's audio, and once for May's audio (so I can work on scripting while I'm in China and record immediately when I return to NZ). There will also be TWO sleep-themed idea submission forms posted in April (one for April's sleep-themed audio, and one for May's). 

* Tier IV will be locked (unpublished) at the end of this month (March), and will be re-published in June. This tier could be reworked in the future. 

* Tier V will be removed (retired) at the end of this month (March). There will be no more personal customised audios for the time being, but I may bring it back later on this year, under a different format. I have messaged Tier V patrons separately - please check your inbox! 

* Public competitions will still be posted in April. There will be no competition in May. Comps start again at the beginning of June :)!

* The WoC YouTube channel will not get any new audios for the first 3 weeks of May, but will run as usual in April. 

Keep well 🍀💗,  

x Cadence




I wish you and your family all the best and hope you enjoy the time you spend together


My grandparents are going through some rough times too. Enjoy your family time! We look forward to seeing you back 🙂

Jordan Hampton

Take care and thank you for the update.


Appreciate the update. Hope you have a good time ^^


Aw I'm sorry to hear that about your grandparents 💗. It's one of those things though, old age... - ya kinda hope things will get better for them but that's not always possible in every case, so it's more about giving them peace of mind and spending time with them and appreciating them (but I also get that it depends on the kind of relationship someone has with their grandparents). Thank you, by the way, for everything!!


Thank you Jordan! 🍀 Have a great week :D! (am planning on doing another meditation this month too~)


Precisely. They’ve worked hard their whole lives, now they get to just enjoy time with family 🙂 Of course! Stay safe!