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MP3 download link: https://tinyurl.com/ygy2ve94 

Thank you to Damon Ares, for this phenomenal script!! 

More of his work can be found here:

Team Counterstrike Series



Glossary of Terms:

Elbion — /'Ehl-bee-ahn/ — The god of purity. Elbion seeks to protect life at all costs. She rests at the center of the realm of Valmund, pouring every ounce of her focus and power into remotely preventing Rouub from exterminating mortal life on a whim. The other benevolent Ke act as intermediaries since she cannot break from her concentration for a moment without risking that Rouub might sense it.

The Ke — /'Kee/ — The gods of the five realms. The Ke are beings of pure energy. As a people, they have existed since not long after Aldawn (The birth of the universe). Their civilization grew and expanded throughout the universe. Wielding power beyond their control, the Ke shattered reality into five energy states, or realms, and destroyed themselves in the process. Because of the actions of one, named Atrus, six of the Ke were saved. The rest either became the matter that makes up the realms and everything/everyone in them or fused with the fabric of reality. The ke energy fused with space-time allows the Ke and individuals with strong minds to accomplish incredible feats via arcane methods. The survivors went on to become the gods: Elbion, Uirest, Kyuda, Caeru, Rouub, and Palam.

Kyuda — /Kee-'yoo-duh/ — The god of courage. As with all the Ke, her natural form is amorphous energy. In Kyuda's case, this energy glows a brilliant cyan color. She is a bold and confident personality who abhors cowardice. She is an outspoken protector of life, of the innocent, and of the weak, but she can sometimes come across as brash.

Leiyard — /'Lae-yard/ — The middle realm. Here is where the mortal races live; the Empires of Man, the Oka'r of Aau'ina, the Titansons in the mountains, and many more.

Oka'r — /'Oe-kahr/ — A race of crocodile-like humanoids. Imposing and muscular, they were designed by the corrupt Ke Rouub. She gave them a natural irritability born of constant, nagging discomfort and restlessness, a predatory instinct, and a stubborn passion for whatever goal they set their mind to. Early on in their history, this brought them into direct conflict with humanity. So fierce was the war they waged on the coast that the sea between the two races became known as the Sea of Blood, and the Empires of Man stopped fighting amongst themselves to fight back together. Eventually, the two peoples would broker a tentative peace, but not before 300 years of bloodshed.

Palam — /'Pae-luhm/ — The god of strategy. While Kyuda fondly remembers the friendship she used to have with Rouub, she spares no such sentimentality for Palam, whom she sees as cowardly. Out of fear of the potential of material beings, Palam sides with Rouub. He is deceitful, and cautious by nature.

Qalhanna — /Kal-'hah-nuh/ — The realm between Valmund & Leiyard, also known as the garden-realm, or the world-garden. It's a paradise realm full of flora and fauna unlike that of Leiyard.

Qalhanna-Laugī — /Kal-'hah-nuh 'Low-gie/ — The event wherein Rouub took advantage of the benevolent Ke being distracted and burned the center of the world-garden. So thorough was the destruction that a demigod was created and two of the mortal races were commissioned to heal the scar.

Rouub — /Ro-'ūb/ — The god of war. Her energy is a deep scarlet red. She has always been somewhat wary of material creatures, but events of the past led her to cultivate a deep-seated hatred for all physical life. She wants to return the Ke to their former glory and destroy the material world in the process. She could do it in an instant if it weren't for Elbion dedicating every moment to make it impossible for her. So she has to use other, more subtle methods to sow unrest and chaos among the mortals. 

Sea of Blood — A sea between the mainland and the islands on which the Oka’r originated. By the end of the war with the Oka’r much of the mainland coast had been conquered.

Image: The Sea of Blood, with post-war borders.

Straxh — /'Straks-uh/ — A Valkind demigod with the ability to see likely futures and, if she uses a lot of power and concentration, can even destine events to take place. She often travels to Visri to communicate with Luscit & Imaeges.

Syntrion — /'Sin-tree-ahn/ — The benevolent Ke, minus Elbion (Uirest, Kyuda & Caeru). These three work together to combat Rouub & Palam's schemes

Valmund — /‘Val-mund/ — The highest of the five realms, wherein the gods dwell. While some of the Valkind demigods live in Leiyard or Qalhanna, most prefer to spend their time in Valmund alongside the Ke, awaiting their command.

Visri — /'Vis-rie/ — The realm below Leiyard. It's dominated by vast plains and mountains made of translucent crystal, glowing with ke energy. This realm holds the scattered consciousness of Luscit, and the weakened (but alive) Imaeges.




I really enjoyed this! Your voice acting is really great, as per usual, and the ambience was well chosen! 🙂 Great work!