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Hey guys!

It's time for a Q&A :D

You may ask up to 5 questions, on any topic you can think of. You're also welcome to ask me to whisper a line or two of something of your choice (names are fine) 😊. 

I'll pick the ones I'm willing to answer* and do a whispered Q&A. 

Question box is open till: 25th of January, 0:00 PST

Q&A posted on Patreon: February 

You can post your questions directly below, or in this submission form (for those who wish to remain anonymous).

*In general, I won't answer questions about work, *some* personal life questions, or give details re: identity (because I am definitely *not* a spy working for the Russian government 😎). 

Cheers! 💜 




Heres a good question does pineapple go with pizza?


What's your favorite ainme? What activities do like to do? Do you play video games? If so what's your favorite? And have you seen my sweetroll?


What drove you to want to make asmr and other types of audio content?

Patrick Salazar

Have you heard of the high elves? And will you be doing anymore poetry readings or do you plan to do other types of reading?


what type of recording set up do you use ?


What's your favorite food? Do you have any pets? What's your favorite movie of all time? Any favorite music genre?

Jordan Hampton

What kind of books you enjoy, if any?


If you had to pet a domesticated fancy rat or an american opossum which would you choose? Do you have any plans to make a discord channel?