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Hey! Thanks for sticking with me. It's really encouraging to have you here, and to know that I'm not alone. I wouldn't be able to figure out all these puzzles without you 💡🌞~


do you want to hear a joke about sheep? 17:25


Talking ends: 18:58 (music continues to play till the end)

Music license: CC-BY-SA 3.0

https://opengameart.org/content/underwater-theme, by Cleyton Kauffman - https://soundcloud.com/cleytonkauffman



Arexus Galia

Eyyy! Another One Shot audio! Your first one actually got me to buy the game and play it. It was a good game!

Kaytea Kat

Niko is one of my favorite comfort characters! I can't tell you how excited I was to see this audio. This was so relaxing and I just find them so cute


Ohhh nice, I've still yet to finish the game (I think there's about 15-20% left). I really enjoy the whole "atmosphere" of it and the characters are soo cute