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🌞Poll for Patreon Exclusive [June, 2024]

  • [E] ONI WIFE 24
  • 2024-06-16
  • —2024-06-21
  • 94 votes
{'title': '🌞Poll for Patreon Exclusive [June, 2024]', 'choices': [{'text': '[A] STARSHIP CAPTAIN & WIFE', 'votes': 24}, {'text': '[B] MINOTAUR FORMER BANDIT', 'votes': 11}, {'text': '[C] LUNARIAN ALIEN, FHANOA', 'votes': 20}, {'text': '[D] SUPERHERO WIFE, SKYE', 'votes': 15}, {'text': '[E] ONI WIFE', 'votes': 24}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 21, 3, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 16, 11, 43, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 94}


Greetings, fantastic people!

Here are the options for the topic "your fantasy day." It appears that breakfast in bed is a very popular option! Cheers for your wonderful ideas.

⭐ Multi-vote is enabled ⭐

[A] Characters: The listener is the captain of a massive starship (bioship). Speaker: Your wife and first officer, Taya Kor – a bubbly, mischievous personality.

Setting: Spaceship with a living forest inside.

Morning: You awaken to beautiful scenery. Breakfast is still cooking; your wife enters and crawls on top of you, snuggling you and encouraging you to get up.

Afternoon: A visit to an “outdoor” library, situated in a forest cave. You grab a few books of interest, and go to a nearby lake and set up a hammock. You talk about your ship’s mission and starting a family.

Evening: You join up with the ship’s crew to celebrate one year of star travels, remembering all you have endured and lost.

[B] Characters: Two former bandits, who rescued a princess and were gifted an estate by the king. The speaker is a minotaur, and both listener and the speaker have unspoken feelings for each other.

Morning: You are woken up by the speaker, who throws you over your shoulder and takes you downstairs for a hearty estate breakfast. You delight in the food and laugh about your newfound luck.

Afternoon: The king has given you a stipend for new weapons and armour. You head down to the local blacksmith, and playfully tease each other as you spend time there.

Evening: You settle down for the night, and the conversation turns more serious. You begin to discuss your feelings, and agree to develop your relationship romantically.

[C] Characters: You are an esteemed terraformer, and the speaker, your concierge, is a nerdy Lunarian alien named Fhanoa. A recent project of yours was a rousing success, and you have been awarded an all-expenses paid vacation on the Io Express (a space-faring train).

Morning: Fhanoa lists off the variety of services available on the Io express as you enjoy a lunar-themed breakfast in bed. She tells you about tonight’s mystery-themed party, and you happily offer yourself as one of the “murder victims.”

Afternoon: You spend time in the observation car, where there are comfortable chairs, a massive telescope, and an artificial air pocket leading to space. While having tea and biscuits, Fhanoa confides in you about a problem you might be able to help her with.

Evening: Fhanoa has ingested something that disagrees with her, and you take her to the first aid station. You also manage to help Fhanoa sort out her other problem…

[D] Characters: Your superhero wife is Skye High, Fable City’s fantastical, fabulous, flying gentlewoman. You are her husband, and arguably, #1 fan!

Morning: You surprise her with her favourite breakfast in bed: two eggs sunny-side up, bacon, pancakes, and cream with coffee.

Afternoon: She takes you on a flight across the countryside, and over the ocean. You soar together above the clouds.

Evening: You have prepared a picnic, and watch the sunset together.

[E] Characters: At the conclusion of a long and devastating war, you decide to marry an oni general from the enemy’s side, in a bid to move towards reconciliation and peace. You started out as enemies during the war, but now live out your days on a farm.

Morning: You receive breakfast in bed, and you enjoy the food together while watching the dawn.

Afternoon: You are finishing up on harvesting a field of cabbages. As you head back to the farmstead, you see a wyvern delivering mail. After storing your cabbages, you go hunting together.

Evening: Drinks and roasted boar! You bicker over who washes the dishes, and settle it with a duel. You playfully but skillfully spar, and the fight devolves into a wrestling match. Your oni wife claims victory, then declares a “round two,” pouncing on you and cuddling you.


Arexus Galia

Eyyyyy! My submission got in! Kinda worried it wouldn't qualify since I entered it late. Looking forward to see who wins these month's polls!

Arexus Galia

Oh boy! 2 days later and First Officer Wife and Oni wife are neck and neck. As of the moment the First Officer is second (heh) with 20 votes, while the Oni wife has 21! Fhanoa though is not too far behind, with 17 votes. With 3 days left, anything can happen!

Phil's Enjoyment

Whoa!........We've got ourselves a tie over here. Hey Cadence, quick question: I know you said ties get a coin flip, but will you announce the winners of the ties or do you like leaving people sitting in suspense til you release the audio?


I'm going to do it by rolling a six-sided die. Number "1" will be allocated to Starship Captain and Number "5" will be allocated to oni. I'll roll till I hit one of those numbers. Whichever comes first, I'll make into the longer Patreon audio for this month, the other I'll make into a shorter YouTube audio in the future (probs August)