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You have dinner and cocoa with Mina.

She notices you wincing, and you tell her that you slept on your neck funny.

Mina offers you a massage, under the condition that you give her one too. She then brings up the topic of the kind of woman you want, and you decide to tell her the truth…



You and Mina are pathfinders, and your team has been exploring the remains of a cave system that was previously used as a refuge. To your delight and surprise, the caves contain a plethora of resources. You have spent the past two days exploring and gathering items, and are currently taking a small break.


This is the extended version of Phil’s Enjoyment’s custom audio, which he would like to share with everyone. He wrote detailed information for all aspects of the story and characters, and a glossary of terms is below.

More mutant hellhound: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mutant-hellhound-98757955 (A Friend for Valentine’s)



Ancients - Creatures that fell into myth and rose again after the nuclear war. These creatures consist of dragons, kitsunes, lamias, and many others. For most of them, it is their task to care for and set humanity back on a path of rebuilding after a large-scale disaster. Some Ancients have allied with the monsters, and hunt the innocent.

Controlled primal rage - A berserker state that increases a hellhound's power, speed, and strength and leaves the wielder in complete control. More powerful and effective than Primal Rage, where the wielder, despite having increased power, has no control over their actions and can potentially cause harm to themselves and others.

Expedition - Teams are sent out in crawlers to look for ghost towns or abandoned places and cities to gather materials and hunt game. (Pathfinder expedition)

Hellhound - A mutant that has furry ears, arms and legs, and padded undersides to their enlarged fingers and toes. They have the ability to wield flames, resist radiation, and absorb and give off heat. They tend to be solitary individuals but are fiercely protective of their friends and loved ones. The speaker, Mina Cordova, is a hellhound.

Monsters  - Beings that have completely lost their humanity.

Mutant - Beings that changed and turned into monsters, or developed powers due to nuclear radiation. Some remain semi-human.

Pathfinder - An individual tasked with gathering goods for the tribe, and taking out enemies when necessary. They also act as scouts and train other members of the tribe.

Storytellers - Some elders are called storytellers, as not only do they tell stories about themselves, but they also speak about history as it is and was, not allowing others to modify it for their personal gains. They are wise and knowledgeable.

Tribes - Settlements consisting of humans, mutants and Ancients who coexist and work together to ensure the survival of their members in the post-apocalyptic world. Everyone must pull their own weight in a tribe. Despite this, tensions are still present in tribes due to discrimination, fear, and misunderstandings amongst the different species.

World winter - The result of atmospheric and environmental change after the nuclear war.




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