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Hello friends,

Your votes are in, and the kitsune consort will be the returning character for May! 🩷🩷

Idea submission time is 3 days - feel free to use bullet points if that's easier!

Puffy-tailed kitsune consort audio background: 

You are the ruler of a thriving nation in a fantasy world. Much of your success is attributed to your wisdom and the highly-trained legions that follow you, but there is one additional thing that gives you an advantage: quality sleep. When you are not away from the palace, you delight in the company of your kitsune consort. She has the softest hands, the silkiest hair and the longest, puffiest tails. You love to sleep in those tails.

*This audio will be partly whispered

Submit ideas for ANY of the following: 

*Objects belonging to either to you or your kitsune consort, that can be used for ASMR

*Before bed rituals

*The kitsune's magic - type(s) of magic and how this can be used for relaxation

*You have just had a new sleeping chamber built. What can be found within this sleeping chamber? (can go with traditional or non-traditional unique objects)

*It's your birthday soon. How do you wish for this to be celebrated?

*Comforting visualisation or imagery for sleep

*Conversation about events and/or items that makes you happy

*Anything else you think would go well with this audio!

I will include as many ideas as I reasonably can in the final audio 🌸🌸🌸

Form closes: ~3 days from posting

Big hugs xx




Phil's Enjoyment

Ok, I had just finished listening to the original audio before working on my response and..........I'll just say I'm really, really, REALLY looking forward to this. Seeing such a strong bond between the ruler and the kitsune........I'm really hoping for a happy ending for the both of them, epecially the kitsune (since she lost so much before meeting him)


A happy ending it shall be! May they love and smile and prosper 🌸 (I had to listen to it too - I couldn't remember what happened in the story xD)