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Hello, wonderful people 💛

In May, I'm going to make both the Patreon-exclusive and the Tier II sleep audio earlier in the month, and they will also be released earlier (rather than closer to the end of the month, like they usually are). I have a conference and will also be visiting family, and will be away.

(May is also Cadence's birthday month. She will be celebrating her 810th birthday)! Thank you everyone for not being scared and for continuing to support a something-possibly-not-entirely-human creator🦕. I love you all this-dinosaur-much.

I don't think I will have time for YouTube material, however Phil and I are working on the second installment of Mutant Hellhound, and that will be released. 🐶💓 https://www.patreon.com/posts/mutant-hellhound-98757955

Below is the writing prompt for May. Submission and voting times will be slightly shorter (around 5 days for each)~


The topic for May's Patreon exclusive is: "Your parents set you up on a blind date and it went WAY better than expected!"


You must choose ONE of these settings, and come up with a character who lives there. The date will take place in the setting you pick.

a) Hollow Earth: Lost civilisation of __________ (human or creature)

b) 10,000 years in the future, on a man-made station in outer space (think Elysium, but with attributes you come up with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85RHSNnAivY )

c) Any kind of gentle ride in the air (hot air balloon during sunrise, blimp, your own levitating vessel)

d) A hideout (doomsday bunker, secret library...)

e) Laboratory or other experimental facility

f) Some kind of tower

g) Underwater

h) Simulation: you and your date are interacting in a simulated game world

i) A room filled with ridiculous luxuries

In your submission, include details about:

* The character who is speaking to you (personality, appearance, background)

* What you do together in the location you've chosen

* New things you discover

* At least three romantic things (can be sentences, gifts, a random event, etc)

* OPTIONAL: Convo about a previous date that went comically wrong

* OPTIONAL: Your real life favourite food

* Anything else you wish to hear, including possible sound effects

You can submit up to two sets of ideas. If you do, please label them IDEA 1 and IDEA 2.

Form closes: 4th May, 2024

I will choose some ideas for the poll! For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous.

Many big hugs and an amazing week to you ✨💗




Arexus Galia

Eyyy, Happy Birthmonth Cadence!!! And 810? What's your secret to a long life? My grandma says it's noodles... for some reason.

Phil's Enjoyment

Happy Birthmonth Cadence! May your presence, stories, wisdom, and all the good stuff that makes you "you" continue to grace us into the next year


The secret is pinecone powder mixed into my morning drink (but seriously I think your grandma is right) 😁🤤