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🧡Poll for Patreon Exclusive [March 2024]

  • [A] Saving the Goddess of Light From Imprisonment [x Paladin Listener] 24
  • [B] A Space Empire’s Princess x Battleship Captain Listener [Space Wars] 16
  • [C] Former Djinn Sultana x Trusted Healer Listener 15
  • [D] Betraying Your King [Elf, Drakon & Werewolf Resistance Fighters x Listener] 13
  • [E] (Former) Space Elf Empress x Leader of the Uprising 13
  • 2024-03-16
  • —2024-03-23
  • 81 votes
{'title': '🧡Poll for Patreon Exclusive [March 2024]', 'choices': [{'text': '[A] Saving the Goddess of Light From Imprisonment [x Paladin Listener]', 'votes': 24}, {'text': '[B] A Space Empire’s Princess x Battleship Captain Listener [Space Wars]', 'votes': 16}, {'text': '[C] Former Djinn Sultana x Trusted Healer Listener', 'votes': 15}, {'text': '[D] Betraying Your King [Elf, Drakon & Werewolf Resistance Fighters x Listener]', 'votes': 13}, {'text': '[E] (Former) Space Elf Empress x Leader of the Uprising', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 23, 4, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 16, 12, 57, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 81}


Hello wonderful people 💗💓, happy weekend! 

You can now vote for your favourites (multi-vote is enabled) from the outlines below. 

Three whales' worth of hugs to you all 🐳🐳🐳

[A] Saving the Goddess of Light From Imprisonment [x Paladin Listener]

As you are sleeping, you hear a faint, disjointed voice, calling you to the library. The voice speaks about a fake book, and beseeches you for help. You manage to find the book, which triggers the opening to a secret passage. You then come across a horrifying sight: the goddess Luxia, chained to a strange machine. You free her with your abilities, and Luxia uses the last of her strength to teleport you both away before she loses consciousness. She awakens the next day, and explains that the kingdom’s leaders had constructed a machine that would siphon her power. You learn that the state religion is a lie, and about the corruption of the nobles. She breaks down and cries, and you vow to help the goddess escape and restore her divine power. Luxia then falls asleep in your arms, exhausted from the whole ordeal. 

[B] A Space Empire’s Princess x Battleship Captain Listener [Space Wars]

You are the captain of a heavy battle frigate (starship). The Gedaman empire has lost almost every one of its worlds to an organic alien race with a hive mind: the Neval Host. Your people, the Geda, are catastrophically outnumbered. Though your empire has created powerful doomsday weapons and used them to destroy the enemy’s suns, the Neval Host is now making a mad dash towards Gedama, the last world of your empire. This is when the princess, your first officer, tells you about her idea. Instead of fighting, like you have been ordered, she suggests evacuating as many people as you can to start afresh on a distant, hidden world. This would be seen as a violation and a betrayal, but the alternative is total destruction and death. You and her are secretly engaged, but will not marry until the war is truly over. You decide to follow her plan. 

[C] Former Djinn Sultana x Trusted Healer Listener

You and Bajeela, the former djinn sultana of the 1001 Kingdoms, have escaped from the City of Brass where Bajeela used to rule. After the city fell, you had made your way to the Babblebrook Inn, located far west of the world, in the Emerald Kingdom. You then obtained citizenship as refugees. You and Bajeela had confessed your love to each other long ago, and though displaced, are finally adjusting to your new life in an unfamiliar place. 


As the week wraps up, you enter the inn and see Bajeela, who is just finishing up with telling a story about how you two became exiled. You catch up on the week’s events over curry and naan, then take a rest on low pillows and silk sheets as you reminisce on the times you saved her. 

+Sounds: tavern ambience, rain, hail, thunderstorms, cultural music, liquid pouring, food prep. 

[D] Betraying Your King [Elf, Drakon & Werewolf Resistance Fighters x Listener]

The ruler of the human Kingdom of Bar, King Conan the Conqueror, bashed in the head of a messenger who brought him bad news. King Conan has since forgotten about the incident…but you have not. The messenger was your brother, and you have vowed to avenge him. You are part of the cooking staff in the King’s castle, and feel a great deal of resentment towards your ruler. This is why you decide to smuggle in a group of assassins. 


You secretly meet up with Andriel, an elf who leads a group of resistance fighters known as the Liberators of Elves, Werewolves, and Drakons (L.E.W.D). You ride on a food supply wagon together and discuss your plans. Andriel has brought a drakon and a werewolf with her, and the latter two hide in the back due to their inhuman appearance. They occasionally bicker. You bond as you discuss the king and his conquests, and the suffering of your peoples. 

[E] (Former) Space Elf Empress x Leader of the Uprising

You just couldn’t go with it anymore. The once brave and noble woman you loved, changed. You remember when her vision was to better the cosmos with her inventions. But gradually, her quest for the galaxy’s betterment was twisted into a conquest for power. You are the leader of the uprising, and your strategic genius and cunning has paid off. You watch, as your former lover’s fortress crumbles. The victory is bittersweet. You are dying from your wounds. The former empress wants to deal the fatal blow herself, but not before giving you a teary and angry earful about how the empire she built was all for you - a dynasty that could have lasted millennia. At the last moment, she falters, and holds you in her arms instead, asking for your forgiveness and begging you not to leave.