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🌙Brainstorm for Sleep-Themed Audio [March 2024]

  • Selene cannot shapeshift. She is a large, whitish fox with many tails (doggo form) 15
  • Selene cannot shapeshift. She is half human, half fox (humanoid) 24
  • 2024-03-10
  • —2024-03-17
  • 39 votes
{'title': '🌙Brainstorm for Sleep-Themed Audio [March 2024]', 'choices': [{'text': 'Selene cannot shapeshift. She is a large, whitish fox with many tails (doggo form)', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Selene cannot shapeshift. She is half human, half fox (humanoid)', 'votes': 24}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 17, 5, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 10, 12, 2, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 39}


Title: Camping with a Moonfire Kitsune on a Rainy Night

🌙Note: There is a poll attached to this post🌙

Moonfire kitsune: A silvery-white kitsune that glows dimly in the dark. When her magic is active, a silvery, fire-like aura can be seen around her body. She specialises in dreamweaving, illusions, lullabies, emotional soothing, pressure point massage, and hypnosis. 


You and Selene, your moonfire kitsune, have driven up a hill that overlooks an expansive lake. You are in a campervan, and it is raining. The rain is soft at first, but then begins to fall in torrents. With your plans for stargazing scrapped, you decide to turn on the heating, get cosy, and have a relaxing evening. 

Submit ideas for ONE OR MORE of the following:

+ Selene and the listener's favourite foods (which might be present in the campervan)

+ Some strange habits Selene has

+ How the listener once nearly lost their arm

+ Moonfire kitsunes need to be enticed before they befriend a human. What did the listener do to gain Selene's attention and trust?

+ At one point in the audio, the characters have a disagreement. What is the disagreement about?

+ What relaxing sounds does Selene make, and what does she make them with?

+ Selene invites the listener to visit her home. How does she describe this home?

+ Selene is hiding something that belongs to the listener in her tails. What is this object, and why is she hiding it?

+ Provide a YouTube link to a soft and slow song Selene could sing to the listener

+ What is the listener doing with all the fur Selene sheds?

+ Anything else you think would go well with this audio story

I will include as many ideas as I reasonably can in the final audio! 

🩶~Infinite floofy, silvery hugs to you~🩶

Form closes: 16th March, 2024



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