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op 965

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I remember when people saw bon clays devil fruit they were always like “bon clay has the worst/weakest DF” and I was always like you guys, not everything is about power escalation. Bon clay could easily walk into a country and throw a coup to usurp the king solo dolo. He could walk into navy hq and get all kinds of info easily. If he had prep time and wasn’t already hemmed up, Impel down would have been a very different arc, and possibly even avoided the events of marineford altogether. Hell, just by being there he was a game changer, and the whole reason we even got away at all. And lo and behold here comes Wano, and the catalyst for all the problems is who the fuck else. Not somebody dropping lightning nukes on the heavens, but merely a wrinkled old oba-san with a great cosplay game. Considering her last costume, this fruit could be a serious fucking problem, even for pirates with incredible raw power. Especially considering that we got a glimpse in water 7 of what crew tensions can do to even the most tight-knit ship, and that pirates are known for mutiny and deception


Yeah I agree, there are people who judge devil fruits on how "strong" they are, but it's not always about strength. It's mainly about how they use it. Even people who seem weak can make game changing plays depending on how they use their devil fruit. It's one of the reasons why I don't really use power scaling in this show the same way people do for other shows, like Dragon Ball for example lol yes there are definitely levels of strength, but devil fruits can make a big difference sometimes. I also enjoy the creativity of how different people use their powers.

King Tut

Unrelated to the video but Have they seen the one piece hungry days commercial? I thought it would be cool if they reacted to them