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Watch "n34" on Streamable.



Nope as I stated above. My obligation is to the creators of this paetron page not you. If they reach out and verbalize it’s an issue or their admins or anyone who actually holds an authority will happily listen to them. As for now your opinion is subjective and not something I’d mandated to follow. I’ll maintain my perspective on what a spoiler is. You do the same. Everybody’s happy and moves on.


So, you keep spoiling them till they explain it to you that you have spoiled them? Still makes no sense. My obligation is also to the creators of this patreon page, I do NOT want them to get spoiled by someone who can‘t or is just to ignorant to understand what a spoiler is


They also already said that in a different video what they consider a spoiler or what they don‘t want us to comment, like certain hyped episode numbers. They also got so annoyed that they stopped looking at the comments at some point.


It's a fucking spoiler. Anyone that cannot see this needs to gtfo and stop being a douche. We don't give a shit about your obligations, just don't be a dick to everyone. Vague or not, it's a spoiler, just don't say anything at all if you don't know the definition.


Dude you really need to calm down. I’m not paying you for your services I’ll comment as I please. Move along.