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Megumi's dad is a crazy mofo bruh like how do you become like this??

Sal Inger

@heatah Yeah I get that. But it would be nice if you could drop the full length at least on the same day. Like others have said already, a good compromise would be to post them both at the same time (there's no way the full length isn't done when you have a fully edited YT reaction ready to go) but cut the post episode discussion from the full length version and leave that in the YT version only. Maybe make an outro that says check out the "YT link below for our discussion" or something to that effect. That would give the patrons an incentive to watch the YT version to help you with the algo there. Lot's of other reactors do it that way and it seems to work for them just fine. Anyways you guys are my favorite reactors by far and I love you guys and want you to succeed and grow, but purposely withholding the full length from your patrons just to boost YT views leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. There's gotta be a better way to do that. That's just my perspective. It's still all love tho and I'll be sticking around and supporting you no matter what. Edit: I suspect that once you make this a regular thing and start posting the full length a day after the YT version drops, most patrons will get used to that and just wait a day to watch the full length and never touch the YT link regardless. Simply moving the post-ep discussion to the YT version, I think, would ensure that most patrons keep going to your YT to watch that, because we all love your discussions.


Great suggestions fam. But it was never the intent to withhold the full length to boost the yt views. Whenever I edit the yt videos on the weekly drops, I drag the projects in and start cutting subtitles immediately to get the vid out as fast as possible. I don't finish the full-length video first and then start the yt cut. When I start editing the full length, I have to re-sync the files, then place markers where edits were made. So it's essentially another edit. I planned on editing the full length the same day, but I had some family issues that altered my schedule completely.

Sal Inger

@Heatah I didn't know that's how do guys do your edits. I apologize for just assuming things and speaking out of turn. However, I still believe that it would really help with the YT algo if you just up and moved the post-discussions to the YT versions only. I try to go to your youtube videos and leave a like every time I watch the full length here but sometimes I just forget and I feel I'm probably not the only one. You'd surely gain a bit more traffic by moving the discussions.